✨Chapter 22✨ Heartbroken

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Josh PoV

I'm heartbroken…

Vanessa kissed me , I did nothing


Jen was like 5 minutes away when Vanessa walked towards me.

"Hi honey" she says

"Don't call me like that" I snort

"And Go away" I add.

Then she looks around and a evil green creeps on her face , she grabs my face and pushes her lips on itughh I push her away but then is Jen standing there.

"How could you!" she says , tears are streaming down her face .

She slaps my face and runs away.

I'm an ass…

I'm about to run after her when Sam and Stef stand next to me.

"I'll go after her , Sam goes with you towards your home" says Stef while she takes of her heels and runs towards the direction Jen runned.

I just stand here and stare.

"What happened Bro?" asks Connor.

"Vanessa kissed me" I say.

"Come we're going " says Connor patting my shoulder.

We step in my car and I let Connor drive while I and Sam sit in the backseat.

Jen PoV

"Jen!!" yells someone , I turn around and see Stef running towards me.

"I think you need a girlnight" she says when we walk to my place.

"What happened, or what did you see?" asks Stef.

"Josh…Vanessa…Kissing" are the only words I could say.

"But you know Josh loves YOU , he has a reason why he kissed her" says Stef.

"I don't know , I just…" I say and break down at the middle of the street.

Stef has to drag me of the street.

When we're finally at my home my mom runs out of the door.

"Why are you already back?" she asks.

And Stef shakes her head and

gives her the Tell you later look.

Then my dad has to pick me up and drag me upstairs.

I do my hair in a messy bun , take my PJ and wash my make-up off , I tought this night was going to be perfect.

Stef borrows a PJ and she grabs a big cup of Icecream .

"Thanks" I mumble and stare at the wall while pictures of Josh and Vanessa fly trough my head.

Josh PoV

I stand at the kitchen looking at a bottle of wodka , I look around , Connor sleeps and my mom and dad are watching tv upstairs.

I decide to take the bottle and sit down on the kitchen table.

I take a sip…

And another one , and another one , and over and over and over .

The bottly empty and I search for another one.

"Josh ?, what are you doing ?" I hear someone say when i finally found another bottle of wodka.

A little short…

What do you think?


HighSchool Love *Stopped with editingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin