✨Chapter 32✨ Christmas

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Jen PoV

I wake up because of my stupid brothers .

Ughhh .

"You two act like little kids on christmas" i snort.


"But you two aren't little kids" i mumble.

I walk down the stairs in my PJ en sit down on the table.

Mom sets a whole Christmas breakfast on the table.

"Thank yah" i say and begin to eat like a pig.

"Jen you act like a pig on Christmas" says Ben mimicking my tone.

"Yeah i know" i answer simply
"It's time to open the presents!" says Blaine.
"Blaine we open the presents at Josh's " says my dad.
"Awhh" he says.

Josh PoV
"Josh are you ready?" asks mom.
"Yeah" i say
"Good" she says.
"Hi guys" i say and the group enters.
They sit down on the couch and begin to talk.
I open the door.
"Hi Jen " i say and nod to her family , they smile and enter.
"Time to open the presents!" yells Connor running down the stairs.
I sigh and sit next to Jen.
Jen PoV
I grab Josh's present.
"For you" i say and blush.
He takes it ."Thank you" he says.
He opens it and his eyes widen.

I bought him a new Iphone 6
"Jen , this is way to expensive" he says.
"Take...it" i giggle.
"Jen you can buy me one too" says Connor.
"In your dreams" i say.

"Now it's my turn to give you your present."says Josh and walk towards 1 big and 1 little present

I open the first one , it's a photo book .

I think Michelle wrote our names on it with beautiful curly letters .

I look trough it , on the first page wrote Josh something :

Dear Jen ,

I know you already like 12-13 years , you've been always at my side and you helped me a lot.

One day we admitted to each other that we were i love , i never regret that moment.

After a stupid time i had to be a soldier , i had no choice.

But now it's Christmas and i'm back .

Remember i always love you with all my heart.

Love , Josh ♥

A little tear escapes my eye and i smile looking trough the pages with pictures of us .

I open the next present , it's a little beautiful golden bracelet.

"Thank you , so much" i whisper hugging him.


I open my eyes , christmas was amazing , after opening all the presents the group left and my family and Josh's ate christmas dinner it was delicious.
When we were done our parents sat in the kitchen talking , Connor , Ben and Blaine were upstairs and Josh and i in the living room.
Yeah let's not talk about that.

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