Chapter 1

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*AN: TRIGGER WARNING: A derogatory term for lesbian is used in this chapter this chapter!!*

"Out of the way you fucking loser!" Derek, one of the football players shouts slamming Karlie into a locker. Pain shoots through her backside. Everyone around them laughs as he chuckles and walks away with a few of the football players.

Karlie sighed in frustration picking up her books. Ever since she had moved from Chicago and to the town of Lakeville, Indiana a few months ago, her life had been a living hell since. She would get bullied everyday and had became the laughing stock of the entire high school.

Her parents thought they needed a change of scenery. Ever since her sisters had been shipped off to a boarding school for unknown reasons, she had felt lonely. She could tell them anything. However, her parents didn't want allow her to contact them. She was completely isolated.

Suddenly the bell had rung signaling that she was late for class. "Shit!" She cursed as some teachers let rushing students into their classrooms anyway. She saw Mr. Hanson, her Social Studies teacher in the far distance. She gave him a hopeful smile as she walked toward the classroom. "Not today Kloss." He says closing the door behind him.

Karlie internally curses making her way towards detention. "It was worth a try." She said to herself.

The teacher that was supposed to be watching them sat at the desk asleep in front of the classroom. A video on following school rules played on the tv in front of the room.

"Hey girl?!" Karlie heard one of the girls behind her shout. Karlie continued to ignore her. She knew these girls from her 7th period. Their names were Brenda and Rachel. They had been harassing her for as long as she'd been going to this school.

Karlie hope they'd stop soon. "Why do you dress like a boy?" Brenda asked snickering with Rachel. Karlie tried to think of other things drowning them out. They'd ask her the same question almost everyday and she hated it.

So what if she dressed masculine? It's what she liked to wear. She had always considered herself a tomboy. "Hey girl? Are you a dyke?" Rachel asked. This struck a nerve with Karlie causing her eyes to water. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

"Fuck off!" Karlie shouted standing up and storming out of the room. "Did you hear this bitch?" Karlie heard Rachel asked Brenda.

Karlie rushed into the hallway with tears swelling in her eyes. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take. "Hey dyke, where the fuck do you think you're going?" Brenda shouted as she and Rachel followed Karlie in the halls. Karlie picked up her pace, completely horrified.

Shit. She was going to get her ass kicked and there was nothing she could do about it. She turned down a corner running smack dab into someone. "Hey!" She looked up suddenly being face to face with Taylor Swift, the most beautiful and popular girl in school. Karlie forgot what was happening at the moment as she gazed into the entrancing blue eyes of the blonde bombshell.

Her heart sped up. "I-I'm sorr—" She began but was soon interrupted by the sounds of the angry girls coming for her. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" She heard Brenda scream. Taylor looks shocked by this as Karlie rushes into bathroom hiding in one of the stalls.

Tears began falling down her face. She closed her eyes tight wishing that she was anywhere but here. Maybe she could call her she didn't want them to come to the school. It would only make this situation worse. Besides she would have to tell them about how they kept calling her a dyke which would raise lots of questions.

The door burst open with full force causing Karlie to shake with fear. "Hey bitch why won't you come out?" She heard Brenda ask beating on the door. "You're not going to talk to us like that and get away with it." Rachel added. They began beating on the door louder. "That's it, we're breaking this shit down." Brenda said.

Karlie shut her eyes waiting for her fate. "Leave her alone." She heard a light familiar voice say. Suddenly it stopped. "Taylor? Taylor Swift?" Rachel asked in shock. "Leave her alone both of you." Taylor said. There was a moment of silence before one of them finally spoke.

"Or what?" Brenda asked challengingly. "Or I'll make sure your parents lose their jobs and never get hired at anywhere else again. I know they work for my dad." Taylor threatened. Brenda and Rachel looked horrified. "I don't know why you're defending her anyway. She's just some stupid dy-" "Leave now!" Taylor interrupted.

Karlie couldn't believe what was happening. Her heart was racing. The girls quickly scurried out of the bathroom. Karlie was still shaken up from what had happened. She heard a light knock on the stall door. "Hey, they're gone. Are you okay?" Taylor asked softly.

Karlie quickly got herself together standing up and opening the stall door. Her eyes were puffy from crying. Her pulse quickened when she came face to face with the gorgeous blonde who wore a look of sympathy. "Yeah...thanks." Karlie said making her way past her and over toward the sink. Taylor followed her. "Hey, it's okay." Taylor whispered placing a soft hand on Karlie's which made her blush. Wait...why was Karlie blushing?

Now that everything has calmed down Karlie had been able to get a better look at her. She hadn't seen the girl up close before. She was always seen sitting far away in the lunchroom and she had no classes with her. She was gorgeous. She wore a blue vintage dress with white polka dots. Her hair went to her shoulders. Her lips were painted red.

Karlie quickly shifted her eyes away from the girl's lips. Karlie quickly moved her hand away completely flushed. "T-thanks" Karlie stammered nervously. Taylor gives her a soft smile. "Don't let those girls get to you. Some people do not are ignorant about things they—" "I'm not gay!" Karlie said suddenly. This startled Taylor. "Um okay. I didn't mean to-" "Thanks for your help, but I'm not a victim." Karlie replied walking away from her.

She wasn't sure what came over her. Why did she get so aggressive when Taylor has said that. She wasn't gay. Sure she hadn't had any crushes on any boys growing up. Sure she had felt something when she saw Taylor. But maybe it was the nerves from being chased by Rachel and Brenda.

Taylor stood there in disbelief at how the girl had reacted. She didn't mean to offend her. She just wanted to make her feel better.

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