Chapter 6

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A flash of lightning illuminated the sky.Thunder boomed from outside. A thunderstorm had been going on for a while. There were reports of a tornado hitting soon. Classic Midwest weather. "Attention teachers and students we're going to have to ask that you take shelter in your designated areas. We have just received word that a tornado will be touching down nearby." A voice on the school intercom said.

Anxious voices filled the room. Many students were in a panic. The teacher tried assuring them that everything was going to be alright as they made their way out of the classroom. A feeling of fear washed in the pit of Karlie's stomach.

She suddenly felt a hand grab hold of hers making her heart leap. Looking up she sees Tanner. "Don't worry. It'll be okay." He says. Karlie gives him a smile. He was sweet at times like this. Maybe being with him wasn't so bad at all.

They made their way to a dark room with no windows. All of the students sat on the floor. Karlie and Tanner sat next to each other. "I love these. Best recuse to get out of class." Tanner chuckled. "Tornadoes?!!" Karlie asked amused. Tanner nodded. "How about you?" He asked.

"I like being safe." Karlie replied. The room had been lit up with candles giving it an eerie glow. Students were engulfed in conversation. The weather seemed to worsen from outside. "I hope it isn't an F5." Karlie said growing frightened. "Everything's going to be—" Suddenly, the door to the room opened.

Everyone looked over seeing who it was. The warm glow from the candles revealed Taylor's face. Karlie's heart stopped. No way. She couldn't be here. "Ms. Swift?" The teacher asked in confusion. "I'm sorry Mr. Lane. I was in the bathroom when the announcement came. I'm not sure where my class went." Taylor said helplessly.

She scanned the room, her eyes landed on Karlie. Karlie thought she was going to melt. "That's quite alright. Just take a seat somewhere on the floor." He told her. The guys in the room checked her out as she made her way to a spot right across from Karlie. Almost all of the guys that is. Except for Tanner. He was seething.

A smirk rested on Taylor's face. "Hey there Kare Bear." Taylor said flirtatiously, just like in her dream. Karlie's face turned red. "Don't you fucking talk to her!" Tanner told her. Everyone in the room looked over at them in confusion. "Excuse me?" Mr. Lane asked looking at Tanner in shock. "Sorry sir." Tanner replied. Anger still showed on his face.

Shit. What was happening? Of course out of all the rooms to be in in the school, Karlie had to end up in one with Tanner and Taylor. "Ooooh so protective. Hey Karl's, tell your dog to relax." Taylor said with a sly smirk. Karlie was in shock. It was as if Taylor had a completely different personality. Since when was she cocky?

Tanner looked like he wanted to kill her. "Go ahead and make jokes. You aren't coming anywhere near her." Tanner spat. Karlie rested her hand on Tanner's. "It's okay Tanner. Thank you." Karlie said forcing a smile. It took him a second but he eventually calmed down. Karlie was relieved. Her palms were sweaty from how nervous she had became.

She knew it wasn't because of Tanner, but because of being in this small room with Taylor. Images of their kiss at the Drive In flash through her mind. The sound of the girl's moans ran through her head. "What's on your mind Kare Bear?" Taylor asked her wearing a smirk but her voice has softened. It was almost as if she could hear the sweet girl from before.

Tanner shot her a look of annoyance. "Can it Swift. Maybe everyone else here is afraid of you, but my parents don't work for yours, so you mean nothing to me." Tanner said. All Karlie could do was stare in the girl's ocean blue eyes. Taylor gazes back at her. Karlie could have sworn that she saw a hint of sadness in the girl's eyes.

There it was. That warm feeling again. Her heart racing, the nervousness, the blushing. Karlie looked away. She quickly looked away from the girl. Why did the girl have this effect on her? She wasn't gay. Nope not at all. So what was the big deal?

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