Chapter 3

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Sunlight crept in through the tent. Karlie opened her eyes raising up her hand to block out the sun. The smoky smell of a morning bonfire invading her nostrils. She tried to familiarize her surroundings. She didn't recognize the tent she was in. There was an empty space next to her. She started remembering everything. "Holy shit!" She said to herself. This was Taylor's tent.

Karlie made her way over to a morning bonfire. She noticed Riley sitting next to a handsome nerdy looking guy and a few others sitting around the fire. "How's it going loser?" Riley asked playfully. Karlie tried to hide the smirk forming on her lips. "It's...going." She replied unable to take her mind off of a certain blonde.

Get ahold of yourself Kloss. It's a fake relationship. Besides she probably didn't really mean it. She could have been drunk that night. "I see you've found a friend." Karlie said looking over at the guy next to him. "Hi, I'm Waldo." He replied shyly. Karlie tried not to chuckle at the boy's name. "Karlie." She replied. They shared a friendly smile.

" obviously weren't in our tent last night. Where did you sleep?" Riley asked suggestively. This caused Karlie's cheeks to turn red. "Umm...I" everyone around the fire gave Karlie strange looks. "Good morning everyone!" Taylor greeted strutting by the fire. Karlie instantly grew nervous. "Karlie.." Taylor greeted flirtatiously giving her a wink before walking off.

Karlie looked around to see if anyone caught that but they didn't.

"Wait you two what?!!" Riley asked in shock. "Taylor and I are dating....fake dating I mean..." Karlie stammered. Riley burst out into a fit of laughter. "You're hilarious Karls. Not that you couldn't get any girl you wanted except it sounds like something that came out of a fanfiction." He laughed.

Karlie rolled her eyes. "Come on, I'm not lying. I slept in her tent last night. That's why I wasn't in yo—" "God Karlie. If you're trying to make me feel bad since you didn't have anywhere to sleep you've done your job. I get it. I'm sorry. No more one night stands at the big camping party." He said falling back on her bed.

Karlie groaned in frustration. "Riley, listen to me. I'm telling you the truth. I slept with Taylor...well not with her like that...but shared a tent with her. And we are indeed fake dating!" She cried. There is a long moment of silence before he stood up placing his hands on her shoulders. "Karlie if this is your way of coming out to me and telling me that you're a lesbian, I've already known. But you don't have to make up a silly story—" "what?! Noooo! I'm not lesbian! And this isn't a story! She's fake dating me so everyone will stop bullying me. Nothing more." Karlie said.

This was growing frustrating. If he didn't believe her she would just have to prove it to him at school. She couldn't text Taylor because she didn't have her number. She was surprised that no one had heard about it after what she told that guy. Gossip normally travels fast.

Students covered the campus, occupied with various activities. Karlie made her way through the parking lot towards the tall building. A group of girls snickered as she walked by. She ignored them. A group of the football players whistles as she walked by. "Guess you aren't a lezzie after all!" Eric shouted making kissing noises.

This made Karlie cringe. They were obviously talking about the kiss she had with that guy by the bonfire. So the fake dating news hasn't traveled surprisingly enough. Karlie felt a wave of disappointment which shocked her. Why was she disappointed? She totally wasn't gay. Of course not.

When she walked into the building her thoughts were instantly silenced as she saw Taylor and her friends walking down the hallway in her general direction. Her heart fluttered. Taylor looked absolutely beautiful. She wore another vintage dress except this one was red. Her hair was up in a classic 1950s do.

Fuck. Why was she staring? She was just admiring her outfit that's all. Taylor's eyes fell on Karlie's. Taylor's face brightened up instantly making Karlie blush. "Karlie!" Taylor greeted, rushing over to her and pulling her into a hug. A warm feeling settled in Karlie's stomach. She returned the hug wrapping her arms around the girl's slender waist. She had to admit that she loved hugging Taylor.

Many of the students in the hallway including Taylor's friends looked at them in disbelief. "Careful Swift or Kloss will get her gay germs all over you!" Someone shouted. This hurt Karlie. She could feel anger boiling inside of her. Taylor suddenly breaks the hug. She's looking into Karlie's eyes.

Karlie instantly forgot where they were. Karlie was mesmerized by Taylor's blue eyes. Her eyes couldn't help but fall on her lips. By now many people were staring at them in confusion by how close they were standing. "Do you trust me?" Taylor asked. Karlie nodded still entranced by the beauty. Taylor cupped Karlie's cheeks with her soft hands.

"Let's make this look real." Taylor whispered. Karlie closed her eyes before Taylor pulled her in for a kiss. Gasps and whispers sounded through the hallway. "Bloody hell, she was serious!" Marina Diamandis, Taylor's friend, said. Taylor's friends looked at each other in shock. "You owe me 20 bucks!" Cara, one of Taylor's friends told Marina.

Taylor's lips were so soft. Karlie would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it. But what did that mean? Her lips tasted like strawberries. She could kiss her forever. When they finally broke apart the entire hallway had fallen silent. She even spotted Brenda and Rachel staring. "Lakeville girlfriend Karlie." Taylor announced.

Out of nowhere the entire hallway erupted into cheers. This confused Karlie. Before this morning she had been the laughing stock of the entire school now everyone was cheering. Karlie smiled. She could get used to this. She looked over at Taylor and her heart skipped a beat.

She had the most beautiful smile on her face. It was as if everything was moving in slow motion. Karlie felt as though she were in a dream. If it was a dream she didn't want to wake up. Taylor looked at Karlie giving her a wink and flashing her the same beautiful smile that made the girl's heart melt. Karlie couldn't believe what she was feeling. After all, it was only a kiss.

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