Chapter 5

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Karlie's eyes were flooded with tears as Riley drove her home. He kept looking over at her in concern. "Karlie please talk to me. What happened?" He asked. Karlie begin breaking into sobs. "Karlie?!" He cried. "For fuckssake Riley, it's nothing!" Karlie shouted. The car fell silent as Riley sped down the winding road. Karlie looked out at the lakefront as they drove. What was happening?

Karlie heard her phone vibrating. Her eyes were dried from crying. She picked it up glancing at the caller ID. It was Taylor. Deep down this broke her heart but she sent her straight to voicemail. She then went through her contacts blocking Taylor.

She placed the phone on the nightstand rolling over and shutting her eyes. Tomorrow she would tell everyone at school that she wasn't gay but that she was confused. What her father had said had gotten to her. She thought back to the kiss she had with Taylor. Her thoughts began running wild, but she quickly silenced them. "No!" She said to herself. She needed to get the girl out of her head.

The next morning at school was going pretty grim. Taylor was nowhere to be seen and Karlie was almost in a daze. "It's going to be okay. I promise." Riley whispered to her before class started. She smiled at this. Even if she hadn't opened up to him about what happened Riley was still a supportive friend. She was lucky to have him.

Riley suddenly sees a note fall on her table. Turning around she looks to see who it could be from and noticed Tanner, one of the guys from the soccer team looking at her flirtatiously. She gave him a light smile even though she was sort of confused. The note read "Heard you broke up with Taylor. If you're ever looking for a charming 6'2 athletic and criminally handsome stud, look no further."

Karlie wanted to throw up. She found the note cringey. She glanced at him seeing his flirtatious grin. She was about to decline when she realized something. Maybe he was a nice guy. What could be so bad about giving him a chance? Beside it would help her get over everything that happened with Taylor. This is just what she needed.

She smiled writing down her reply. "Sounds good to me. Date night?" She folded the paper passing it to him subtly so the teacher didn't catch them. Luckily he didn't.

"So, here we are." Tanner said pulling up to lover's lane after they had eaten at a the local diner. The night had been going alright. Tanner was sort of full of himself. Well maybe not sort of, but a lot.

Riley looked at the city below them. The lights illuminated the town. "Ahem!" Karlie heard Tanner clearing his throat. She quickly snapped out of it looking over at him. He sprayed his mouth with a bottle of breath spray. He reeked of ax body spray.

Karlie tried to ignore it. She tried not to think about how Taylor smelled. Vanilla. Her favorite scent. No. She had to stop thinking of that. She was here in the now. Besides she wasn't gay. She looked over at Tanner who was leaning in. Her stomach turned.

Karlie closed her eyes leaning in. The kiss was rough. She wasn't enjoying it at all. His lips were chapped. His tongue poked around her mouth. Karlie thought she was going to puke. There were no sparks. No magic. Maybe he just didn't do it right." Karlie thought to herself. They kissed for a while and did some a few other minor things.

"I had a great time tonight Karlie." Tanner said smiling as they were parked outside of her house. "I did too." Karlie lied. He offered to walk her up to her door which she painfully accepted. "I know we've just had one date, but I had a lot of fun. I was wondering if you'd like to be my—" "yes!" Karlie said interrupting him but knowing exactly what he was going to ask.

She cursed herself internally. She was so quick to answer. "My girlfriend...." he finished laughing. "Yes!" Karlie smiled. He pulled her into a kiss. Karlie didn't enjoy this one either but it was better than the last one.

As they were kissing the front door suddenly opened revealing her father. Both of them quickly pulled away. "Ummm.." tanner began nervously. Karlie's cheeks turned red. Her father was in shock, but he quickly changed his demeanor. Well this was awkward.

Karlie heard a knock on her door. "Come in!" She called. It was her mother and father. "Sweetheart, we're so proud of you." Her mother said ecstatically. Her father looked just as happy. "I don't understand..." Karlie said confused.

"You have a boyfriend!" Her mother said cheerfully. "He seems like a really nice guy." Her father said. Karlie internally rolled her eyes. Of course they'd say that. It wasn't that he was a nice guy. She knew that they really meant that it was nice that he was a guy. "Yeah, he's great. Thanks guys." Karlie replied faking a smile.

After a few awkward questions they left her room. Karlie laid on her back. She was going to try to be optimistic about this. Dating Tanner was a good thing right? After all she totally wasn't gay.

Karlie was sitting alongside Tanner at the lakefront. "Strange Boy" by The Shacks played from his car. The moon caster an eerie glow upon the water. "You're beautiful you know that?" He asked. "Thanks." Karlie replied blushing. He shifted closer to her cupping her face and placing a kiss on her lips. His lips were rough as usual. She closed her eyes ignoring the unpleasant feeling.

Suddenly the kiss had grown softer. His lips felt completely different. In fact he even smelled different. Not like body spray but vanilla. She quickly opened her eyes. She was looking up at Taylor. Karlie gasped. Taylor looked down at  her with a smirk. "Hey there, Kare Bear." Taylor whispered.

"T-Taylor?" Karlie asked. Taylor leaned in close to her. Their lips were almost touching. "Do you like kissing me Karlie?" Taylor whispered.

Karlie immediately shot up from her bed. It was the middle of the night. Her heart rate had sped up. She was covered in sweat. She'd just dreamed about the girl. What was happening?

"Are you sure you're okay?" Riley asked looking at Karlie strangely. "I swear, I'm fine. I'm doing great." Karlie said not convincing him. They were in the lunchroom which was crowded as usual. "Karlie if something is wrong you know you can—" "Hey babe!" A familiar voice called. Riley turned around and saw Tanner coming towards her table with a couple of his friends, Francis and Ben.

"Hi!" Karlie greeted changing to a happier demeanor. It still wasn't convincing. Tanner places his tray down giving her a rough kiss. Riley made puking noises. It was like he read Karlie's mind. Tanner flipped him off in the midst of kissing Karlie.

When they pulled away, Karlie immediately noticed Taylor walking towards her usual table along with her friends. She looked gorgeous. Karlie thought she would melt, just looking at her. It was crazy how strong of an effect the girl had on her.

Taylor wore a white lace vintage dress. Her hair was done in a gorgeous 1950s do with a blue headband. Her signature red lipstick on her lips. Those lips. The ones that kissed her. Karlie was in a trance. "Hey...are you listening to me?" Tanner asked waving a hand in her face. Karlie quickly snapped out of it. Her cheeks turned red.

"Oh I'm sorry Tanner. I was just thinking of...homework I have in literature. Continue" Karlie lied. Riley noticed this, chuckling. Tanner looked over at Taylor. A look of anger and annoyance appearing on his face. He balled up a fist under the table. He knew exactly who she was looking at.

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