Prologue: Not If I Save You First

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Teal sat there with her hands in her face. She was back into this prison cell. Her mind went back to the time a girl with yellow ribbons had broken down the cell door saying something about saving her. She remembered a smaller girl with purple ombre holding her back, two male figures and a girl, one with pink and orange hair and one with a beanie and the girl had a hijab. She only wanted to protect them so she refused their help.

"Isn't time we check on SCP-205112?" The voice had brought Teal back into reality. "No SCP-205112 is in a state of despair and shouldn't be bothered at this time." Teal sighed, happy she wasn't going to be tested today.

Then there was a sudden blast. The blast had hit the right wall near Teal's cell. Scientist were running around and yelling while many things were flying. Guards moved towards the blast only to go down as fast as they came. "We must find her, shes perfect for this team's leader." A voice had rang out, it didn't seemed to be recognizable to Teal so she ruled out it was the group who tried to save her the first time. For some reason she felt like she didn't want to be saved by this group that is, if they were after her.

A second blast had hit the other wall, Teal had blacked out.



A flash of light had occurred in the hub, a girl with pigtails tied together by yellow ribbons had appeared.

"Another day, another person to save." Blue whispered with a smile. To her the hub was a place to get away from school and real life. Blue went on to do her daily routine, which consist of getting the latest weapons/armor (if she needs them) and restocking. However half way through her daily routine, Mark had barged into the room and started yelling.

"Blue!" "Hey!" "Lets go-you're gonna like where we going." "Where is your team?" "Training, Restocking oh wait shit we are restocking." Mark stopped to take a breath.

"Woah calm down Mark." "Wait what did you even say?" "All I heard was something about my team." Mark gave her look which was most likely said "You literally watch my videos, how the hell do you not understand my fast talking?"

"Anyway lets go see if any of your team members came in while I was yelling and you were confused as hell." When both Blue and Mark walked out of the store they saw Purple and Peach talking to each other near the stools, Red leaning against the wall to right of them and Jade laying on the floor near Red. Purple got off her stool and walked over to Blue and Mark.

"Hi Blue and Mark!" "Everyone is ready to go on the mission." Purple explained. "I have a feeling you all are gonna like this mission also i'm coming with you all!" Mark had the biggest grin on his face so it was either very bad or very good.

The third bell chimed signifying the portal was open. The group slowly walked towards the portal. "Any words of encouragement before we walk in?" Blue asked. "Uh don't die..?" Jade replied with a confused look. "Lets just get going before anyone else says something stupid." Red said. The group all walked into the portal.

"Fuck. Not again." Jade replied in an annoyed tone."We're back in SCP Containment Breach?" Peach asked confused." "Wait if we're back here doesn't that mean we have a second chance to save Teal?" Purple inquired. Memories of the failed attempt all came back to them, as it had been 2 months since the last time they had been here. "Well then lets not fail a second time." Blue replied after a few seconds of silence.

A blast suddenly occurred. "What the fuck was that?!" "This didn't happen last time!" Red yelled after seeking shelter. "It could be someone else trying to save our target or just the guards decided to blow shit up." Mark explained. "Well whatever it is, we should try and save Teal." Peach said while covering her ears. The group ran in and found Teal's cell."Strange since last time we were so far away from her area." Blue said out of the blue. (Jade would proud of me :P)"Maybe we just got lucky..?" Purple replied. Upon closer inspection, Teal seemed to have been blacked out with no signs showing she was going to wake up anytime soon. "Should we just take her and go?"Jade asked.

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