Chapter IV: Coppers Reign

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Warning: This is where the gore ( and a small portion of suicide) starts appearing. I will place where the gore starts and ends so you can skip that part. If you are still to uncomfortable then move to the next chapter. I will put a summary for this chapter.

"The last code black to appear was when you had succumbed to the darkness." Google replied. "It's the only recorded code black mission." Google looked up from his screen.

"Whoever this is has a lot of power in the dream world." "They might be a lucid dreamer." Mark said. "Lucid dreamers who enter a hub are rare." Tim said. "However judging by the stats, it shows that this may be a powerful lucid dreamer."

"Looks like I'm going to take the trusted group to go with me." Mark said. "After all they were in the only recorded black mission."Mark shrugged.

a pillar of light appeared and disappeared. Hazel's eyes fluttered opened. "I'm back into this weird game universe." She spoke. Hazel got up from the floor and walked towards the newspaper on the wall. The newspaper had blood on it.

"Heavenly Host-." Was all Hazel read out aloud before dropping the paper. She was frozen. "This can't be.." She collapsed to the floor, knowing full well what messed up shit she was about to get into.

After a few moments, Hazel finally got up, her eyes hardening. She started walking towards the door. "Naomi and Seiko were together, but I'm alone." " Does that mean I'm set for Mayus or Morishiges?" Hazel stood there in fear.

{Small portion of gore and the suicide portion}

Both Morishige and Mayu had died while in Heavenly Host Elementary school. Mayu was killed by two ghost who threw her to the wall at a extremely fast speed. Her organs and tissues were seen to anyone who walked by.

Morishige was in a way psychotic. Taking pictures of corpses. He only broke when he figured out which one was Mayu's corpse. He jumped from the window of the second floor. 


Hazel blinked in a sad manner. Morishige and Mayu were only high school students. After a few moments, Hazel stood up. "I can't leave without trying." Hazel said and started walking towards the door. She opened the door.

The floor creaked. Hazel looked at the floor and noticed it was a gray color. "So I'm not on the same track as Morishige or Mayu." "The floor pattern looks what Ayumi and Yoshiki were in." Hazel said.

"But they were together so..." Hazel grunted. Sounds like I'm in my own path. She thought for once. (Hazel tends to talk to herself a lot, when she daydreams she says her thoughts out loud basically but just like a murmur or whisper.)

Hazel walked down the long hallway, being careful not to step in any of the holes present in the hall. "In order to get out of here." Hazel placed her hand on a wall. "I don't need to appease the ghost thankfully." "However I do need to find a paper, the plush cat, and a tongue." She cringed.

"I'm not looking forward for this." Hazel stated. "I wonder if my brother gets into dreams like these." She had reached two rooms.

"Fuck both of these rooms and my life." "I'm out." Hazel said while walking away from both of the rooms and flipping the bird. After a few seconds of walking away from the two room she despises.

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