Chapter V: Beginning of the Fall

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Summary of Chapter IV: Copper's Reign
Hazel begins exploring her nightmare and runs into ghost who leads her into the infirmary. We pick up with Hazel in this chapter. Blue and the rainbow crew end up in the dream and Mark gives a presentation on the different types of codes. We learn that Faron and Olivia are some types of hostage that Annette is holding.

Warning: This is where the gore ( and a small portion of suicide) starts appearing. I will place where the gore starts and ends so you can skip that part. If you are still to uncomfortable then move to the next chapter. I will put a summary for this chapter.
"Be a sweetie and check on Faron, Olivia." The hub leaders voice echoed in the hallway. Zinnia leaned against the wall. The blind girl had an idea what Faron and Olivia were going through, however it wasn't enough to say anything yet. She desperately wanted to help the two captives, however what evidence could she show to everyone else.

Nothing had been the same the day of Olivia's rescue. The day where Annette learned of Lucina and her husband's death. She had shut herself away for the rest of the "day". Leaving Azzy to command everyone that day. Many people described Azzy as a force to be reckoned with when she lead them for that day.

Zinnia never understood what they meant, after all she was blind since the age of 6. She had been diagnosed with Glaucoma at the age of 5 and considered blind by the age of 6.

When she was around the age of 8, Zinnia discovered this ability that let her see the outlines of her peripheral view. The doctors described it as clairvoyance if they believe it were real.

The clanks of heels brought Zinnia out of her trace and was heading her way. The blind female quickly moved away from the wall she was at. The said girl felt that another presence was here.

Within a few seconds, Zinnia knew who it was.


"Okay so no Yoshie." "To be honest Yuki and Yoshie are the same amount of scary." "Ones just a crooked man, but a woman and the other is a young girl but deadly." Hazel ran around the room, avoiding Yuki.

"If there is something else other than black hair at the door." " I will throw my shit." Hazel grunted. When she finally reached the door. It wasn't black hair or any type of hair in general.

It was many talisman, serving as some sort of guard against Hazel leaving. "Oh what the fuc-." Hazel deadpanned/screamed before a black aura hand grabbed her throat.

"Nggh." Hazel struggled against the black aura hand which belonged to a all too familiar nurse. After a few seconds, the black haired girl finally put the pieces together.

"This isn't real." "This is just a dream..."
Hazel muttered, her eyes covered by the shadow of her hair.

Yoshie looked confused as she knew some of her victims had darkening before they died by her, though it wasn't this weird.

A circle emitting light appeared underneath the choking girl and the wind started to go crazy in the room, blowing supplies and furniture everywhere. Hazel was also muttering some more incoherent words.

Hazel was looking like she was conjuring a spell like if she were a black/white/weather/Elemental Mage like Purple,Peach, Teal and etc.

The magic that was developing suddenly exploded, filling the room in white light. After a few seconds the light disappeared.

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