Chapter I: The Six

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{2 nights after Teal joined the team}
Blue sighed when she entered the hub. In the waking world she was stressed out. She had a essay due for German and a another project due in the next week. She saw Teal fidgeting with her new wand after upgrading to Arcane Mage. Their first mission with her, she was completely behind to the point where Red had to piggyback Teal till the end of the dream (Mark/Blue's order).

Blue remembered her first mission in Slender Forest. Collecting all eight papers, fighting alone and saving Purple. However she was alone so she wasn't extremely behind strength wise.

Someone had tapped Blue on the shoulder. Teal had gotten up and had tapped her shoulder. "What's wrong Teal?" Blue asked.

"Well, Peach only have enough time to show me the weapon room but not the shop.." "So can you show where it is." Teal asked shyly. "Of course!" Blue said as she guided Teal towards the shop.

"(Hello! Is this your newest teammate?) Octodad said. "Yeah, her name is Teal." Blue introduced Teal to Octodad. "Teal this is Octodad." "Hello." Teal greeted gently. After restocking, before they went out Octodad had something to give to Blue.

("Oh Blue! Before you go, take this.") Octodad extended his tentacle and gave Blue a bottle with caramel beads in it. "Why would I need this?" Blue asked. ("A feeling tells me you will need it at some point.") Octodad shrugs.
they both walked out and Purple ran up to them.

"Hey Purple!" Blue greeted with a smile. "Hi.. Purple." Teal greeted. Everyone in the group knew Teal was a reserved person so they understood it would take time for Teal to open up.

The second bell chimed in the distance. "That's the second bell." Teal mentioned. "Let's go find everyone and go." Purple said. They found Red in training room, well ya know... training and got him and went to the Infirmary. Where they found Peach, who was helping Tiny box Tim look at the wounded. Jade was waiting at the portal when they got there. "So you guys all got together without me." Jade spoke with sass in their voice. "Oh shut up." Red replied back.

"I wonder what's today Mission is like." Purple asked. "Hopefully not to hard for Teal," Peach said. "Well.. lets go then." Jade said while tapping their foot on the ground. The group all stepped into the portal.

When the group arrived, they saw many platforms in a huge tree with different stages.

"This is Ultimate Chicken Horse!" "I watched Mark play this!" Teal had stars in her eyes. Everyone sweat dropped. "So.. what do we do?" Red questioned. "Should we try and get on one of those platforms?" Peach asked. "Let's go then!" Jade said while already climbing the tree to the nearest platform.

"So wait how are we gonna find our person." " Go through all the stages?" Purple asked. Blue thought about it for a second. "Seems to be the best option." "Will you all hurry up and get the fuck up here." Jade said, annoyed as hell. "Well.. ExCUsE mE Princess." Blue replied back in a sassy tone. "Will you guys just shut the hell up and get moving?" Red asked.

Red, Jade, Blue and Teal were all on the platform when they all just teleported out of nowhere. Peach and Purple both jumped back a bit. "I forgot Ultimate Chicken Horse was a four person game..." Purple said out loud.

After a few moments of silence. "Well what do we do now?" Peach asked. "We should probably reach the other level and try to complete it." Purple inquired.

        {With Blue, Jade, Red and Teal.}

Plop! The sound of four people falling a good foot or two echoed in the environment. "Ow." Jade replied while on their stomach. "That wasn't like the portal in the hub." Teal mentioned while rubbing her head. "The better question is where are we and where is Peach and Purple?" Blue said while getting up.
"If I'm not mistaken, this looks like to be the barn stage." Red replied to Blue while dusting himself off.

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