Chapter III: Hub Of Plants

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A blue portal opened, and 7 figures stepped out of the portal. "According to this, this is the Willow Château." Mark explained as he looked at the piece of paper. The hub had a garden with many flowers, trees, bushes and berries. In the middle was a fountain and a circle pathway that split into 4 directions. Flowers usually followed the pathways and on occasions there would be benches right next to the platforms. Sakura trees followed the pathway towards the building.

"It's so pretty here." Teal stared in awe. "The hub leader put time into this hub." Blue looked around. "Are you saying I don't put effort into my hub?" Mark glared at Blue. "Am I?" Blue asked in a sarcastic tone. "Can we just get going?" Red asked, irritated.

The group walked around the garden, going to side of the Château to avoid detection. "Okay so." Mark whispered as they all huddled into a circle. "We're gonna separate into teams of 2, 2 and 3." " One of the group of 2 will go to the balcony on the back, the other group of 2 will enter the window opened above us, and the group of 3 will go to the other side and enter through the door on that side." Mark said while pointing at each location on the paper.

"Sounds good.. but who's going with who?" Peach asked. "You know.. That's a good question." Mark shrugged. Everyone sweatdropped. "How about our leader choose?" Purple stated.

The group heard a voice in the distance. They seem to be coming closer to the group. "Aw Shit!" " We gotta scramble like right now!" Mark whisper yelled. Blue gave out orders. "Red, Teal take the balcony!" Both nodded and ran towards the balcony. " Mark, Peach and Purple head to the door on the other side!" They all ran off towards the door.

"Jade, lets go!" Blue said as she climbed to the spill of the window frame. Jade followed her. "This is going to be a long mission." Jade looked at the many hallways present in the Château. "Well, lets get going so we can get out of here quicker." Blue said.

The two of them wandered into the first room. The room had 2 doors, shelves, which were adorned by books, a fireplace in the back of the room, A desk located in the front, 2 chairs, a rug and a table in the middle.

"Judging by the looks, this must be the file room." Jade looked around, confused. Blue walked up to the desk. Before Blue could say anything, the books magically flew around and sat down the files of the Plant Team and 3 others on the desk, as if the books read her mind.

Blue and Jade skimmed through the files, trying to find anything important. "Well, now we know for sure what classes they are." Jade said as they kept skimming through the files. "It's almost like our files." Blue said.

The door opened and both Blue and Jade quickly jerked their heads up. There stood a male with gray hair, gray eyes, a black collared shirt that was unbuttoned at the top with a undershirt, black sweatpants and gray school shoes. He also had a scar going across his nose and gray ears poking out of his hair.

The male froze for a second then yelled. "Damn Parker was right." The Male grunted. "Aza! The Rainbow crew is here!" "Shit!" Jade yelled. Both Blue and Jade scurried out of the room through the other door.

"Who the fuck was that?" Jade said while turning the corner of one of the halls. "His file came down with the Plant team's." "However I didn't have time to read about it." Blue explained. Both of them kept running until they ran into a barrier. "Shit!" "What do we do now?" Jade hit their fist into the barrier."

"Nothing or you will get hurt." A familiar bored voice spoke. They both turned around and saw Angelo and the other male with the gray hair and ears. "What are you even doing here?" Angelo gazed at them, unemotional. "That's none of your business." Blue spoke out strong.

"I'm sure Annette can drive the reason out of you." Angelo blinked . "Faron." Angelo looked at the male with gray hair and ears. Faron smirked. "I know the drill."

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