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Hi ! It's me... the danimal chica
tbh I hate danimals
I got the name from some zie at school,
who didn't know how to spell my name


Sooo.. this book is not a Dolan book, so if you came for that specifically



So... let's get started

Grab a blanket, get some snacks....

Maybe a teacup... :)

So I hate every breathing thing.

Except my mom.

Love her btw.

My favorite color is yellow.

It's the 'theme' of my account as you can see

But sometimes grey and black

Sometimes orange...

So... if u wanna be my friend thannnnnnn


I love that

2) you HAVE to be IN LOVE with the Dolan Twins
ur 101% irrelevant if you don't

3) be kind.

I'm not a tough cookie

4) if u like riverdale.. than don't talk about with me cause that show is shi-

5) I'm kinda gay...

I'm bi.

6) if ur a girl and I flirt with you...

I'm kidding

sometimes 😉

7) if u a boy and I flirt with YOU....

remember that I also like girls

8) ❌ no fakes allowed ❌


9) I'm honestly a good person

unless u fake

So currently it's 2:34 pm and I just got outta skool.

I only have 1 homework.

It's social studies and I hate it

I just hate the teacher

Mr. Donaleski

Hate her.

I misssss ms lyleeeeeeeeeeeeee

Oh and I'm kinda sad.

That's it !

pls be my friend


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