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So we have nothing to lose yet I feel like I lost the world
"Luna," Optimus says
"yes sir," I say
"may I borrow you for a few minutes please," he responds
"yeah sure," I say walking over to him
We walk away from everyone in silence until we get to a wall with a hand scanner
"put your hand on the scanner," Optimus says
I do what I was told and the wall opens up into a hallway with more doors and rooms
"is this for me Optimus?" I ask
"yes it is and it is also sound proof so nobody can hear anything and nobody knows about it," he says with a smile
"thank you Optimus," I say
I hug him and he hugs me back
"can Knockout live with me in this sector?" I ask
"its up to you, I can make it so its coded to you two if you want," he says
"can you actually do that for me?" I ask
"yep I can," he says then he gets to work
I walk off exploring the rooms then I come across a private med bay
"nice," I say to myself
I can have privacy from the others and hang out with Knockout whenever I want to
I smile to myself before going to my new room and going into recharge

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