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A few months have gone by and me and Optimus have been helping each other in the battles and we have became sparkmates.
It's midnight and I can't sleep but Optimus is asleep seeing as we now share a room but something weird is going on but I don't know what.

I get up and off the berth and change into a human then I put on some clean human clothes and I see Optimus's Star Saber that "was broken and out of use" I carefully pick it up and leave my room and my sector. I walk to Ratchet's Computer and climb up, its the hill that I stay at sometimes. I see a message so I read it and it's for me it says: Bluestreak, If you want your tree to stay alive then go to the hill
- Megatron (also don't bring Optimus)
If I can't bring Optimus then I have to make a call to an old friend from the war. I use Ratchet's computer to contact NightBird.
"hello?" asks a femm voice
"hi, it's me Luna aka Bluestreak," I say
"hey girl what can I do for ya?" Night Bird asks
"ya know when I helped you on Earth and yiu promised to do the same for me," I say
"what are we up against?" Night asks
"Megatron. Optimus's team but me is asleep and I'm not allowed to being Optimus to the hill with my tree that we planted" I say
"ill meet you at your base," Night says before hanging up
A second later a groundbridge opens up in the room and NightBird steps out then it shuts
We leave in silence
At the hill
We climb up it
"so you came after all," Megatron says with an evil tone
"what do you want," I question
I become an autobot again
"to end your life," Megatron says
"aren't you not scared of me yet? I've put shame into Decepticons because YOU CAN'T BEAT A GIRL!" I snap
"that's why I want to end you," he says
NightBird is behind me holding the Star Saber
"I have a friend who loves to kill cons everyday, plus if I Remember at 11pm Optimus said Megatron must be destroyed, so yeah," I say
NightBird steps out from behind me with, her glowing orange eyes and her mouth mask look ready for a fight, gives me Optimus's Star Saber

"that was destroyed!" Megatron says shocked
NightBird runs an uppercut Megatron then punches him in the helm then in the chest making him fall down. She then turns her hands into blasters and points them at Megatron and shoots doing damage to him
"this time do me a HUGE favour and stay dead Megatron!" I say as I stab the Star Saber into his chest then rips it put. Night bird picks him up and throws him far away. We hug before NightBird's groundbridge opens up
"don't die and stay safe old friend," we say to each other at the same time then she walks into the groundbridge and then it vanishes as I go back to base
In base
I walk in to the main room and walks into mry sector and hangs up the Star Saber
"where have you been Blue?" Optimus sleepaly asks
"to mine and Night Bird's tree where Megatron was but no longer will be," I say with a smile
I sit on the berth
"he wanted to kill me but NightBird stopped him and I ended him for good," I tell him as I lay down
"go back to sleep now," Optimus says
I shut my optics and sleep close to him

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