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So I have an idea for the start of the next Transformers book I'm gonna do and here is a spoiler for chapter one (there won't be a zero as that was to tell u the oc)
Purples pov
Its been a year since we saw the humans so I decided that me and team Prime will go back so we did and we found cons that are still on Earth, also Bluestreak couldn't deal with the power that was given to her so I took it!, and I was standing up to walk over to Bluestreaks aid when it happened
A con walked up behind me
"payback!" the con says with delight and stabs me through the back missing my spark but it went all the way through
I gasp and I fall to the floor when he takes it out
"weak!" the con says
"no," I mutter
Optimus sees me and starts to come over but that's when my eyes glow gold as their normal blue nowadays and I start glowing purple
I scream as a flood of power strikes hitting the cons down

And that's what I got so far!

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