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Months have passed since Knockout had left to go back to the Cons and it upsetted us and it hit me hard and since then I never left my sector

"Optimus, where is Luna? We haven't seen her since Knockout left, we all know it hit her hard as he never knew she loved him but we could tell from her eyes when they were together," Arcee and BumbleBee say

"shes in her sector," Optimus says

"she has a what now?!" Ratchet and Bulkhead says

I walk out past them 

"Cons are out looking for Energon in our mines," I say as I leave to go there

**At the mines**

"hurry up," Knockout says

"no, take your time," I say walking over to them as a human

"sir there is a human here," one of the cons say

"leave it to me," Knockout tells them

Knockout walks to me

"who are you kid?" He  asks

"the girl who loved to more than a partner," I say

"what?" He says

"I'M BLUESTREAK!" I shouted 

my 4 arms come up and rip the cons away from them energon and then killed them

"dont hurt me!" He says putting his hands up

"give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill or hurt you," I say as I go into Bluestreak 

"because of this," He says

Knockout kisses me he then closes his optics and keeps kissing me so I close my optics and kiss him back

"ok I won't kill you but you gotta come back to the Autobots as I hardly ever came out of my sector," I say

"ok," he sees winking at me

we go human and walk back to base

**at base**

We walk in and go to my sector without being noticed

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