Twenty Two

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A few years later
We managed to get our world back but the allspark needs to be in space before New life can be born and that's where I come in.
"Optimus, let me give the Allspark life again," I say with no fear
"no, I will lose you and I cannot let that happen," Optimus says looking at me
"I know but if you do you'll never come back, I've died in a fight on Earth before you came and I'm still here," I say "so let me do it Optimus,"
I get given the Matrix of leadership and its power for the Allspark
Our team look at me
"good luck to you all," I say and I fly in with part of my jet form letting me fly
I fly down to the Allspark and give it the Matrix of leader ship and I start to become one with the Allspark
Years later when it's the anniversary of my death
I get sent out of the hole where the Allspark belongs but with no colour but black where I would have my colour
I see my friends around it looking down as if they are doing a moment of silence so I run to find some blue metal like I used to have and gather it all up. I carefully put it on and everything but the symbol and my eyepiece are on and I'm back in colour as if I never died. I walk back to Team Prime and as I do so I walk past a bunch of new bots. When I get back to the hole I see my old symbol and eyepiece and grab them and put them on again
"hello," I say with a smile
"hi," Ratchet says
"Bluestreak?" a familiar voice says from behind
I turn around and see Silver
"SILVER!" I yell hugging him
"your alive!" Silver says happily while hugging me back
"of course I am bro," I say giggling
"welcome back Bluestreak," Arcee and Bee say together
"I missed alot, huh?" I say
"yep Arcee and Bee are sparkmates now," Bulkhead tells me
"nice!" I say
"group hug!" I say to Team Prime
Everybody but Optimus hugs me
My back arms drag Optimus into the hug and I hug everyone back with my back hands
Some kids walk up to me
"are you the legend Bluestreak?" one of the kids ask
Legend? When was I a legend?
"we learnt about you in school you saved Earth from your older twins brother," they say
"who told you that?" I ask
"Mr Prime did," one of them then tells me
"Optimus told you about that?" I say shocked
"yeah he also said that "legend has it that when Bluestreak comes back to life she will save planets that are in danger and save them" and I think it's true," the kid says unaware that his friends left and that Optimus was here
"I mean it isn't that wrong is it?" Optimus asks me
I shake my head
"listen kid when your older and you become an Autobot I might take you on a mission to save a planet," I say with a smile
The kid runs off happily
"welcome back Blue," Optimus says hugging me tightly
I hug back
"so what have you been up to since I have been gone?" I ask
"nothing much just training the younger bots for when they are older to defend," Optimus says
I nod

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