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A week later
I can finally leave the medical bay and I cartwheel into the main room where I'm greated by Jazz who catches me up to speed on what I missed and tells me where everyone is
"let them know I've gone to re-explore," I say with a smile
I run out and climb up the roof and walk across it I jump off the room and land behind NightBird's base and slide down while singing Holding Out For A Hero
I stand up on a cliff that over views the sea and I sit down I feel a sharp pain on my throat while I'm still an autobot
"hello Bluestreak," Breakdown says
My voice box gets stabbed out of me
I try to speak but only static comes out. I then see Breakdown leaving with my voice box. I feel sad but I shrug it off and walk back the way I came
When I walk into the base I get hugged by Team Prime even Ratchet which was a surprise when they stop hugging me my eyes are red with anger
"why are your eyes red?" Bee asks
I sign: because I am mad at Breakdown be stole my voice box
"he did what?" Bee says
I sign: listen to this
I scream but it is just loud static
"ah," everyone says at the same time
I run out of base and everybody follows but Ratchet
I transform into a car and start driving at full speed to where Breakdown is now with my friends and sparkmate following me
I drive over a ramp and transform in midair and land
"hello Bluestreak, I'm guessing you want your voice back," Breakdown says
I just nod
Breakdown breaks my voice box
I punch Breakdown and then scream static at him
More cons show making everyone fight
I get badly wounded but I hurt Breakdown way worse making him stagger and I kick him down while holding my chest to stop energon coming out
I fall onto my knees my right and becomes a gun and a blast Starscream and it gets Optimus attention at the same time
"you OK Blue?" Optimus asks
I shake my head and move my left hand away from the wound on my chest before putting my hand back on it
I shoot cons that are coming up up behind NightBird
"thanks Blue," she says
Jazz comes over to me
"you look in bad shape," Jazz says
My four back arms come out and sign: no really? Not like I have a stab wound in my chest and no voice box
"that must suck," Jazz says
I just nod
Optimus picks me up
"I'm taking her to your base NightBird," Optimus says
At NightBird's Base
Optimus walks in still carrying me to the medical room and puts me on a berth where Ratchet helps fix it
"she won't have her voice for awhile as there's nothing for us to do about it," Rachet explains
I just sarcastically clap at Ratchet

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