Chapter 9

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~Toshiyuki's P.o.v~

When I arrived at the swimming stadium, I see a whole large crowd outside of it. Circling a group in the middle, I push my way through the crowd and see a curled up Arata with the rest of the team. He is blocking his ears and he's shaking, my brother's team is trying to get the crowd away which they did when they all saw me glaring at them.

"Get away from us! This is not a observatory! Get moving!" They all get drained of colour, probably how scary I look. They begin to go and I look towards Hamish. "Help me get Arata to the changing rooms, volleyball team circle us to hide this."

"Okay!" Hamish helps me lift Arata up and we head to the changing room safely. When we safely put Arata down on the bench in the changing room, I kick Hamish out.

"Don't come in unless I say so." I slam the door and wrap my arms around Arata. He thrashes around in my arms until I start humming a soft tune which get him to calm down. Arata is like a little brother to me, my twin brother since we do share the same birthday. He needs my helps just as I need him but. . . we both desperately need Hamish. "Who did this?"

". . . you can't beat him up you know. Your image will be ruin." Arata tells me that, a small pout comes to my face as I hold his face in my hands. I squish his cheeks.

"Who hurt ma child?" He bites his bottom lip trying not to laugh.

"What about your image Yuki?" I hold his head to my chest, Daichi will probably never see my pain so I will have Arata as my brother. I will protect him.

"I don't care, all I care about is my team, Hamish and his family but most importantly, you. Why you ask? Well because you're my little twin brother Ara-Chan." He puffs his cheeks.

"I'm not little." My face went blank at that.

"Yes you are, I'm taller. I'm older by than hour. Therefore you are my brother and I want to know who did it." I used my right hand like a gun. "Tell me or I'll shoot."

"It was Hikaru." Hamish's rival? What is he doing around Arata? I pat his head as I think.

"Can I chop off his arms and legs? Can I rip his head from his body with my bare hands? Can I skin hi-"

"That's enough." Arata seems much more better now and a lot calmer. I unwrap my arms from around him and stand up.

"Better now, Ara-Chan?" I cooed as he lightly hit me on the chest.

"Stop calling me that!" He whines, I chuckle quietly and regain my composure.

"Okay, let's go out now." Arata nods as I give him a hand to stand up. I open the door and everyone immediately ask if Arata, who becomes instantly emotionless, if he was alright. I look towards Hamish who nods and motions me to go with him, out of the others ear shots.

"Who did it?" I frown as he asked me that.

"Hikaru. Let's talk to the headmaster of Aobajosai, the headmaster knows us well since we could of been accepted there but understood why we went to Karasuno. I'm sure he will sort Hikaru out."

No one ever messes with my little brother Arata and no one will ever mess with Hamish. No one will ruin my team who is my family. I swore to protect them all, I swore to my first love.

I will protect Hamish and Arata like I did six years ago.

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