Her First Kill

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(y/n) POV

It's on a day like this one when I question myself why I left my wonderful bed! Right now, Dad is fighting All Might and let me tell you, the sheer wind pressure these two are releasing by just throwing fists at each other is just ridiculous.

The worst part is, they aren't even at full power, because the League of Villains and Firecracker are still here, they have to hold back.

Dad smashes All Might a few hundred metres away or something like that.

Dad: "Atmospheric compression + Locomotive corkscrew, Explosiveness x4, Muscular enhancement x2. A pretty fun combo... I must say. Maybe I should collect more augmentation Quirks".

Bakugo: "ALL MIGHT!!!!"

Dad: "Don't worry he won't get defeated by a small love tap like that one". He then turns to Nii-san, "now Tomura you have to escape and take the Firecracker with you" he says to Nii-san while mocking Bakugo.

N-Nani??? That's a love tap??? Dad and All Might are like so high above me it's not even funny.

He uses a Quirk and from his left hand strange things stab an unconscious Kurogiri.

Dad: "Kurogiri get everyone out of here".

But how Dad? Smoke Mom is unconscious.

Magne: "What did you do?"

Dad: "I am using a relatively new Quirk I obtained. I can force activate someone's Quirk, but it only works with people I'm close to. In Kurogiri's case I won't be able to teleport you that far away, but it'll do" a familiar purple vortex opens. "Now go".


Nii-san: "Sensei....".

All Might appears again, barely injured.


Dad: "I want to you remember Tomura, you and your brother can grow so much more!!"

Dad are you sacrificing yourself for us??? Please don't I, we still need you.

Dad blocks the incoming attack from All Might and a burst of air blows us away.

The rubble cover Ocha-chan and I are hiding behind won't hold much longer.

Compress: "Shigaraki let's get out of here, while All for One is keeping All Might busy" he says and Compresses an unconscious Dabi-nii "we need to capture our target as well".

Bakugo: "You bastards" he says getting combat ready.

They rush at him and wow, he is dodging like a pro. C'mon guys you can do it!!!

All Might: "Young Bakugou, I'm coming" he says and rushes towards Firecracker, but Dad intercepts him.

Dad: "Oh no, you don't. This is why I'm here".

Nii-san: "Where on earth is (y/n)??? his Quirk could make this whole endeavour easier" he wonders irritated.

I could help, but I don't wanna do anything yet.

Ochako (whispering): "Don't you wanna help them??" she asks confused, ''since we could get this business done and done within a few seconds''.

Before I could respond a massive ice ramp appears and Iida, Deku and Kirishima fly through the air.

Oh no Dad can't intercept them since All Might has him tied down as well. Good thing Ocha-chan and I are still hiding.

Kirishima: "BAKUGO GRAB MY HAND!!!!" he shouts looking a bit desperate.

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