Rooftop Kitten Destruction

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(y/n) POV

We teleport onto of a roof near the police station, so we have a vantage point and because it looks cool when people do it in films.

It's been a few minutes since we killed a female police officer, Himi-chan transformed into her and walked into the police station. I should say that there's a shit ton of Heroes and police here. Strange that no one is on the roofs, well good for us I'd say.

Right now, Kuro is looking towards the police station thinking of a plan in case we can't just teleport them out of there and Eri-chan and I are playing 'I spy with my little eye', while she is sitting on my lap.

(y/n): "I spy with my little eye and the colour is white" I say poking Eri-chan's cheek.

Eri: "*giggle* Onii-chan stop" she says smiling, so I do as she says. "White?" she looks around the roof and spots the colour white "THERE!! A WHITE BABY CAT!!" she exclaims excited.

She gets up and walks towards the white cat, which has beautiful blue eyes.

(y/n): "You're right! The super cute and adorable white furred kitten, and Eri-chan a baby cat is called kitten" I say while Eri-chan picks the it up. "The kitten seems very tame, I think we can keep him or her" I add as Eri-chan walks back to me and sits down on my lap.

Eri-chan checks.

Eri: "The kitten's male" she tells me, placing the kitten on her lap and stroking his fur.

(y/n): "What do you wanna name him?" I ask rubbing the kitten's ears.

Cat: "*Meow*" he meows happily.

Eri-chan starts thinking, so I look at Kuro.

(y/n): "And found anything important or got a clever idea?"

Kurogiri: "*sigh*Unfortunately no. We have to wait for Himiko, so she can tell us the stations layout" he says walking away from the roof ledge. "Why have you got a kitten?" he asks wondering where the kitten came from.

Actually... where the hell did the kitten come from? He wasn't here when we teleported onto the roof, at least I don't think so, not that it really matters, but I'd like to know.

Author did you do something?

Author: "Don't break the 4th wall for fucks sake."

I bet you'll name the kitten Shiro.





Eri: "I've got the perfect name, his name is Shiro" she says and Shiro meows in approval.




Author are you serious? Couldn't you think of a different name? I mean it's your account name.

Author: "Shut up! I like it and I want myself in this story, even though I'm you in a strange way. AND NOW STOP TALKING TO ME!! THE STORY NEEDS TO GO ON!!"

Ok, ok, ok sorry.

Anyway, where was I? Ah yes Eri-chan just named the kitten.

(y/n): "That's a great name Eri-chan!" I say and look at her as she is playing with Shiro.


How funny, I'm a bloodthirsty Villain that kills innocent people with no hesitation or regret, and this cuteness melts my bloody heart!

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