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I had never expected to find my mate so early in life. I don't think anyone does. Girls wish for it to happen, pray that they will meet their mate so they could sweep them off of their feet the moment they turned 16.

That wasn't me.

I was an Omega in my pack, my parents died when I was young protecting the pack. I wasn't outcasted, but I didn't actively try to include myself in the way of the pack life.

I was fine with how I was, how I lived in the pack house. I respected my elders and always followed the rules of my Alpha. I went to school with the rest of the teenagers and I babysat in my free time. I had a plan for what I wanted to do once I graduated.

I had a plan.

My five-year plan had been ruined the week after I turned 18. I was supposed to have been gone.

I never loved the thought of meeting my mate. I was a werewolf, the beast inside me wanted her mate. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to meet him after what happened to my own parents.

As lovely as having a mate seemed, they could also be the death of you. Your entire soul is put into one being, one being who you have to trust won't crush you.

My brute of a Mate was sitting next to me in the town car, his intimidating frame dwarfing my own.

I was upset, I had worked so hard to get into a good college. A good school to finish my plan. I had worked so hard, and for what?

"You're upset." I jumped at the sound of his voice, eyeing him from the corner of my eye.

He hadn't said one word since he spoke that we were mates into existence.

They came to the pack to make sure that we were still in limitations to our treaty.

I had been packing when they arrived. My pack was happy for me, I had gotten into Harvard. Normally wolves would stay close to their packs when completing their second level of education, or even work online for it.

But I had dreamed of leaving the pack lands behind and experiencing the world that laid just beyond the trees. And I had been so close to tasting the freedom I could have.

My friends were excited for me, Nico was in my chair, elbows on his knees as he grinned ear to ear. He was a warrior's son and had been my friend since we were both young. Beth was helping me pack, she had also lost her father in a pack fight. Leaving behind her mother to look after her and her brother as she helped the pack by working in the kitchen.

They were the best friends I had ever had.

And then he showed up in my doorway.

The silver hair streaking through his beard and hair let me know he was well beyond my age. "Of course, I am." My high emotions allowed me to speak out for once. Never in my life would I have spoken back in my old pack, but this man just snatched away everything I had worked so damn hard for away from me with one word.

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