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            I returned home with a bruised and cracked skull

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            I returned home with a bruised and cracked skull. I was forced to stay in my wolfs form as my body slowly mended the broken bones, fusing them together. I couldn't risk shifting at the moment, if I did then I risked my broken skull piercing my brain.

There would be no healing from that.

I laid on the floor the entire night, my wolf and I taking turns keeping watch in my body while the other rested. We were vulnerable right now, something that neither of us would allow ourselves to forget as we laid on the ground fighting to heal as quickly as possible. By the time our skull had reformed enough to shift, it was 8 am and Soren had been awake for hours if he got up as early as he usually did.

I forced myself through the shift knowing that I was pushing myself to the limits. By the time I shifted back, another hour had gone by and I laid huddled on the ground, my skull aching and mind pulsing with every pump of blood that went through my body. I pushed away the dizziness as I struggled to my feet. I had been through worse than this, I had suffered more than I am now. I would get through this. But the shock to my system was alarming. My body had been so used to being safe for years, this sudden violence was a slap to the face. A reality check.

I wasn't used to the pain that Alexi put me through years ago. Not anymore. And I'm sure he would love nothing more than to break me into the wounded wolf I was before.

No matter what it took, I wasn't allowing that to happen.

I would go down fighting or I wouldn't go down at all.

I forced myself to get off of the ground and into clothes. I didn't need to look at my reflection to know that the side of my head was bruised as every little movement caused pain to flutter through my body.

Stepping outside of my cottage, I kept my eyes on the surf as the waves crashed against the shore, the air nipping at my skin. We were descending into the colder months, and while the temperature change didn't affect my wolf much as she kept our body running at a higher temperature, it affected children and humans. I sucked in a breath of the brisk air, allowing the refreshing breath to wake me up as I began my walk to Gail's home.

Her large home sat on the complete opposite side of town as my own cottage did, but I didn't mind. Not when the walk allowed me to think. Not many people were out considering it was a Saturday morning, they all either were huddled in their homes away from the nippy air or away for the weekend. The last bits of Winter was lingering in the air before Spring would be in full effect.

Soon the pivotal point in the average vacationers' eyes would not be going up North to the snow, they will be drawn to the ocean side with the warmer air. As much as I wished to see the snow again and experience it with Soren as my own parents did, I knew I couldn't. I knew what lurked in the snowy mountains in the North.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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