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            I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and itchy eyes. Trent was snoring on the couch, I didn't remember falling asleep last night, but I'm sure Trent had helped me to bed.

I know that he wanted to help, but how much could he help when I was struggling with accepting reality myself.

I knew from the minute I left that cabin that I was never going to be able to be myself again, I would always have to put on a persona.

When Soren was younger, it wasn't as much of a problem. I worked and stayed at home taking care of the baby. Now he was getting older, he was wanting to do more.

As I pried open my eyes, I already knew that Soren was sitting on the bed with me. His frown stood out the most as he stared at my hair, his fingers gently touching the light brown strands.

Nothing like the red it used to be.

"It looks different." His words were whispered, a frown pulling at his lips.

"I know babes."

The hair on my forehead felt awkward, it was something I was going to have to get used it. It changed the way I looked, my facial structure looked different.

"Are you afraid Momma?" My eyes met his, his own eyes seeming much lighter than my own, his light hair drew the attention to his eyes.

"Yes, and its okay to be afraid." I brushed his hair away from his face, caressing his chunky cheeks.

"Of that man?"

My brows furrowed at the sight of his eyes peering into my own. "What man?"

"My dad." His voice was vulnerable, afraid f being right.

I sat up, drawing Soren into my lap as I held him close. "We just have to make sure that he doesn't find us okay?"

"Okay Momma," He laid his head on my chest. "Can we go get somethin' to eat?"

"Pancakes?" I nuzzled his cheek with my nose as he giggled.

He nodded enthusiastically, bouncing in my lap as I dragged myself from bed with Soren clinging to my side.

We stayed quiet as Trent was still snoring, his arms softly stained brown from the dye. Opening the fridge, I frowned at the barren cupboards and fridge.

I was going to need to take a trip to the store soon, keeping a growing toddlers stomach full and making sure he was provided with all the nutrients he would need to keep himself healthy.

I set him down on the counter and began to get all the ingredients out and began mixing them in the bowl as Soren kicked his small legs as he helped mix the batter next to me.

"We got up early today," Soren piped up as the pancakes began bubbling as I flipped them to cook on the other side.

"We did." I could already feel the exhaustion setting in. "We should eat on the porch and watch the sun come up.

He grinned perking up. "From behind the trees?"

As I nodded, he squealed. I let him down as he got two cups, putting water in them and getting plates and utensils ready.

I plated the pancakes on the plates that were sitting ready for me. Buttering my own pancake and pouring syrup on Soren's, he followed me outside with the cups of water.

We sat next to each other, quietly eating as the cold that came with the absent sun nipped at our skin. We waited for the sun to peek through the trees, a sight that was beautiful on the days that we woke early enough to see it.

"Momma," I looked over to Soren, smiling at the syrup that was smeared over his face. "Do you ever think I'm going to have a Dad?"

I paused, knowing that Soren not growing up in a functional family was going to impact his life no matter what happened. Was I supposed to fall in love with a human and move on from Alexi? Was I just supposed to forget that I had a mate?

Could I honestly put someone else through the danger that would happen if Alexi found us?

No. I couldn't.

"I'm not sure bud."

He chewed intently on the pancake, his lips pursed. "So, you only love my real dad?"

"Soren, listen to me." I heaved a sigh as I turned to Soren. "The man who is looking for us isn't your dad, he's your father. Do you know the difference between a dad and a father?"

As he shook his head, I continued. "A father is someone who helped make you when you were in my stomach. But a dad is someone who loves and takes care of you. That man is your father, okay?"

He ate the strawberries that were on his plate as they stained his face. I fought the smile that tried to make its way on my face.

"So, you don't like my father?"

I shook my head, my smile falling. "No baby, I don't like him."

"Will you ever like someone who could be my dad?" As he looked up with hopeful eyes, his youthful face o innocent as the sun began to peek through the trees.

I couldn't crush his dreams. "Maybe one day Soren."

As he smiled, he chewed happily on his fruit as we watched the sunrise together on the porch.

After cleaning up the dishes and Soren's face, we both got ready for the day. Soren was giggling as we left a sticky note on Trent's forehead as he was still snoring heavily as we left the bungalow and began our walk to the store.

"Bonnie Hunny," I stopped, watching as Soren continued walking down the sidewalk. The shop just a few stores down.

"Hi Maryland," I smiled at the sight of the older woman with a baby on her hip.

"Your hair looks great, who did it?" I kept an eye on Soren as he shyly looked to a customer standing in front of the shop.

"Trent did it last night," I grinned at Maryland's shocked look.

"Trent McAllister?"

I chuckled nodding. "That's the one."

"Huh," She looked stumped. "I'll have to see if he wants to do mine. He still works at the Grub, right?"

I nodded, running my finger along her young daughters' cheek. "Yeah, he has a shift tonight."

"Thanks, Bonnie," She waved before walking back down the sidewalk, in the direction we had just come from.

I smiled, turning to Soren who was smiling and laughing as he ran forward, giving the unfamiliar figure a high five to the outstretched hand before shyly backing away, hiding his smile in his hand.

I stilled as I got closer, the scent wafting towards me as the man stood up from his crouched figure.

He turned, the stunning eyes stopping me in my tracks. The wolf was back again.

His eyes took in my new hair, irritation raging in his eyes before they watched as Soren ran for me, clutching my legs.

"Hello," He drew out slowly, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "The names Harrison."

I narrowed my eyes at the newcomer wolf. My own wolf bristling in irritation. She had claimed this land as our own in her mind.

She didn't appreciate intruders.

"We need to talk."

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