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            By the time I closed up the shop, the sun was beginning to set. The scorching heat receding to a cool breeze that was always appreciated after a long day of working.

With the revenue from the store in my bag, I took Soren's hand and began to walk to the opposite of town. It didn't take Soren long for him to realize we weren't heading home.

"Momma, where are we going?" He peered up at me, the curls falling recklessly over his forehead.

"We're going to Grandmas." He perked up at the word, a smile pulling at his face as he walked faster.

Soren was never going to meet his biological grandparents. I didn't even know if Alexis' parents were still alive to be able to give him that. But Gail took the spot as grandma when she took us under her wing. She acted as if she were my own mother at times, a hole that she tried to fill as often as she could.

And I loved her for trying, for being there for Soren even if he wasn't her grandson.

Her small beach home was perfectly manicured from the lawn business she hired to come and take care of the outside of her house weekly. The same going for the inside of her house.

As I unlocked the iron gate, Soren sped past me, running to the white front door. "Grandma! Momma and I are here!"

Soren didn't even get a chance to knock on the door as it was pulled open and Gail stood there with her arms shakily raised as Soren flew into her arms.

"Oh, sweet boy, it's been too long since I saw you." He didn't reply as he nuzzled into her neck. "I've prepared some sweets for you in the kitchen." He squealed as he untangled their limbs and dashed off to the kitchen.

"It's wonderful to see you again Bonnie," My wolf breathed in Gail's scent of home-baked goods as we hugged her back.

This was the woman who helped put me back together after I was destroyed. I would never be able to repay her for everything she had done for me.

"I have this week's revenue; tourist season is hitting big this year." I handed her the manila envelope with the money and calculations of what was sold throughout the past week.

"Did you take your cut?" She asked as we made our way to the kitchen.

"Course not, that's your job boss." I winked at her as she just scoffed, shaking her head. She was always wanting to provide us with anything she possibly could.

Gail and I walked into her small kitchen to find Soren waiting patiently with three cookies sitting on their own paper towel in front of each seat.

"You still have manners beautiful boy," Gail kissed his head as he bashfully blushed and ducked his head, but I caught the smile tugging at his lips.

"Go on and eat baby," Gail lowered herself into her cushioned chair as Soren grabbed each of our hands.

He bowed his head and while Gail closed her own eyes, I listened to Soren's soft whispers. "Dear Goddess, thank you for my sweets. And for my Momma. And Grandma. But what about my Daddy I keep asking for?" He opened his eyes as Gail said Amen as she thanked her God for the meal.

He quickly began to eat his cookie as I hadn't had a chance to give him anything for dinner yet, as he finished, I passed him mine over. "Thanks, Momma," the crumbs on his lips made me smile as Gail was silently watching us.

My heart squeezed at his prayer to the Moon Goddess. I was going to have to tell him the watered-down version soon, or else more questions would come out soon.

One of the reasons Soren loved coming over to Gail's, was because she had cable and he could watch all the new cartoons that his friends talked about.

At our home, we only had a TV with a movie player, he never complained. But I knew he liked to take advantage of the TV set when we were here. So, when he scampered off, I knew where he was going after he threw away the trash.

"What's on your mind?" Gail asked, her hands folded on top of her stomach.

I glanced over my shoulder, ensuring that Soren was occupied with the TV, laughing at the cartoon before glancing back at Gail. "He keeps asking about his father."

No one but me knew the real truth. Everyone who had gotten close to me to know the watered-down truth, knew the exact same thing as Trevor did. The lie I had to make up when Gail found me bruised and broken walking down the sidewalk with the baby carrier in my hand.

She had stepped out of her shop, calling out to me and was exceptionally kind to me as I shied away from her. She offered me a job when I was healed up and Soren was 8 weeks old and allowed us to stay in her house with us until I saved up enough money to rent the bungalow.

She was the one who rubbed my back as I sobbed into the pillow and stayed up late at night with me when I couldn't sleep as the mate bond was ripping itself apart.

She had been with me since the very beginning, for three years she had been a constant presence in my life.

"Are you going to tell him?" Her voice was soft, she knew the topic was difficult, difficult enough that I still struggled with talking about it.

"Enough to know that he wasn't a good guy, and that we're okay without him." I knew that she didn't agree with keeping Alexi away from him, but she also didn't know the entire situation.

If Alexi knew the truth, I would be dead and everyone in Jupiter would never see Soren, ever again.

And everyone who risked their lives to get the two of us this far, would be for absolutely nothing.

I wouldn't allow that to happen.

When Soren and I left, it was dark outside. The stars twinkling bright in the night sky.

I carried Soren as he laid his head on my shoulder. I stopped short of the bungalow, bringing us down to the beach as I sat down in the sand.

"Baby, you know how you keep asking about your father?" I kept my voice soft, afraid that if I spoke too loudly, it would break, and the tears would fall. Tears that I needed to save until I was in bed.

"Yea Momma, where is he?" His head perked up at the topic he had been thinking about for some time.

"Your dad did some pretty bad things Soren, bad things to me. And he would have done bad things to you to. I left your Dad when you were still in my tummy." We sat in silence for some time, his mind wracking at what I was saying as the waves crashing in front of us.

His voice was whispered, tears were coming soon as his voice caught as he spoke. "Why was he bad?"

As he sniffled, I brought him closer, laying my head on top of his own. "I don't know baby, sometimes people are just not nice." As his tears hit the hot skin of my arm, I pressed a kiss to his head.

"I'm sorry Soren." He wrapped his arms tighter around me as he sniffled.

"Its okay Momma. I just need you. That's why the Goddess gave you and grandma to me." I wiped away his tears as his eyes were still watery.

I felt terrible that I had crushed the thought of his father being some great guy who he just hadn't met, but I didn't need him to make fairy tales about some guy who he will never know.

"That's right baby, remember the Goddess always has a plan." As he nodded, my heart felt light. "Are you ready to go to bed?"

His cheeks reddened as he looked into my eyes. "Can we get a sandwich first?"

I laughed as I hoisted him up, heading to our little home that was perfect for us.

"Of course you can."

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