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3 Years Later

The salty breeze filtered through the opened windows as I snuggled further into the blankets, unwilling to get up just yet. The salt on my skin felt like bliss as my wolf was stretched out in the back of my mind.

The small stretch of no man's land provided the solitude and protection I needed to lay low while raising a pup. The stretch of land that Juniper, Florida provided was enough that we could lay sun-kissed on the beach or have the choice of rummaging through the plethora of woods.

I had been lucky to not have been found, and it wasn't always easy raising a pup by myself. It makes sense why so often, mothers in the pack would say that it took the entire pack to raise the pups. It was hard to try and show dominance over the raging wolf inside a toddler's body while trying to show them how to control it.

I had paid off my debt to the nurses in New Haven Hospital over a year and a half ago. It took me over a year to get settled on my feet and a stable living situation, and then another six months to save up enough money before I sent it to the hospital with nothing but a 'B' on the card that had the cash in it.

Ever since then, I made sure to keep myself on the hidden side. The only phone I had was connected to the wall and I refused to own a computer, they were too easy to trace.

Soren and I filled our time with working at the small beach shop I managed for Gail, a frail old lady who had helped me get to my feet when I showed up in this town with nothing but the bags on my back and the baby in my arms.

We played in the ocean, explored the woods, and filled our time with being outside.

He was such a bright child, his eyes always burning bright with curiosity. And I fed into his happy personality, wanting him to stay that cheery and happy.

If he stayed that way, he would never morph into the man that his father was.

The fading scar on my neck twinge, the pain traveling through the dying bond. The moment I had spoken the words of rejection to myself on that night train was the night that the mate bond began to die.

It didn't stop him from committing his acts of infidelity.

I knew he felt the pain of my rejection of the bond because I soon felt him take out his frustrations on another woman, in a different way than he took it out on me.

I would forever be connected to Alexi until he uttered the words himself, or I took a chosen mate.

But the idea of shackling myself down to another mate was enough to send a bolt of fear straight through me.

I had dealt with enough drama to last me my next two lifetimes. I was content with raising Soren to be the best man that he could be, even if we were classified as rogues.

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