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            I was on the bed when the front door unlocked, the click resounding through the house as his heavy footsteps proceeded in. He indulged on the food I had prepared with the groceries that had shown up in the cabinets.

I wasn't sure if what I was doing was right. Sitting on the bed as I listened to him eat his fill of the dinner I had prepared.

I didn't know if I was prepared to be mated.

I had met no one in this pack, all I knew of them was that they were my mate's pack. Its where he disappeared to for the entire day.

All while I was stuck in this cabin.

Even as an omega, I had always had a good relationship with my pack. I thrived with others around me, and I could feel the life being sucked right out of me the more I stayed on my own, away from others.

Wolves were made for a pack life, not one of solitude. While he had the opportunity to socialize his wolf, I didn't.

As the dishes clattered in the sink and footsteps began to make their way toward me, my heart sped up, beating wildly as I took deep breaths willing it to calm down.

I was so wrapped up in my own head that I didn't even realize his heavy presence in the doorway, his frame filling the space as his eyes racked my frame, a trail of flames being left behind in his wake.

My eyes tentatively met his own while they swept over my unclothed legs as his shirt hung loosely over my frame.

This is what mates do, I mentally reminded myself. But my wolf was on edge, pacing in my mind.

"What's this?" His voice startled me, jerking me from my pacing wolf as I looked to my much older mate.

"Were, we are mates." My hands trembled as I spoke. Everything felt wrong.

Weren't mates supposed to have an immediate connection, all I felt were the frigid waves coming off of him, hostile waves crashing into me.

"We are." He didn't offer any more words as he stood in the doorway.

I steeled my resolve as I kneeled on the bed, meeting his eyes head on. "We should act as mated then, shouldn't we?"

His lips pulled tensely into a smirk as he stepped into the room, enough for my eyes to catch on the redness dotting his neck.

"And tell me, what do mates do?" I didn't catch the patronizing humor in his voice as my wolf went crazy inside of me, a growl building up in my throat as his scent wafted towards me.

He stunk of another she-wolf.

"Why do you smell of another?" My wolf pushed the words that I wanted to hold inside of me out. She was unhappy, furious that our mate had been with another while we sat around envisioning scenarios in our mind.

The smirk on his lips spread wider as he tilted his head, showing off the red marks on his neck even more. He was flaunting them.

"What do I smell of, mate." He sneered the word as I narrowed my eyes at him.

My wolf pushed through, my eyes burning as she fought for control. Words that I would have never of uttered were forced from my mouth. "You reek of another bitch."

He flashed his canines as his eyes seemed to dim, he was suppressing his wolf. "Watch how you speak to me."

I got up from the bed, stalking to the ensuite bathroom. Wrenching the door open, the tears welled in my eyes as he was quick to grab my firearm in a bruising grip.

He yanked me from the bathroom door and trapped me between him and the wall. My heart sped up, a mixture of pure fear and the elicit response from the mate bond as my body was humming.

"You will not walk away from me." His hand on my arm tightened as I flinched, my head bumping into his arm beside my head.

He leaned closer, nipping my neck with his teeth as I tried to ignore the bond that was dragging us closer with our limited proximity. "You will not question me," His whisper was harsh against my skin as he ran his cheek against my neck as he drug in my scent as I was choking on his own.

My wolf was torn between basking in his attention or revolting against the she-wolfs scent that stuck to his skin.

My own head was swimming, as much as I wanted to pull away, the bond was made to bring mates together, even when they didn't want the other.

"I am your mate," He growled against my skin, scraping his elongated canines against the sensitive skin on my neck. My muscles tightened as I rubbed my thighs together to keep the dull ache at bay.

"You will do as I say."

He didn't give any warning, he didn't ask as his canines dug into the fleshy part of my neck. His abrupt actions sealing me to him for as long as we both lived.

We were both thrown into the deep end as our wolves surged forth, his own that he had been suppressing had pushed forward in the heat of the moment.

And while his human may not have wanted us, his wolf did. My own wolf took advantage of this as she pushed forward again, and I let her. From what I have seen of my mate, this may be the only memorable experience she would have with her mate.

So, I took a backseat, watching as they mated. I watched as my wolf would go near to marking her mate back, his eyes would flicker his human not allowing the mate bond to finish by us marking him.

He would push us down into the mattress and take control again. There was a stark difference between the wolf and the man. The wolf loved us, the goddess had blessed him with a mate after many moons of being alone. He was gentle and kind. His wolf wanted us.

The human didn't. When he finally regained control back, he was harsh and bruising. My wolf retreated back into my mind, letting me have control again. I took the pain as he finished what our wolves started, paying no mind to me as he used my body for his own pleasure.

And when he finished, he quickly left as I laid there frozen. I didn't want to look at the evidence he left behind, I could feel it. The soreness, the pain.

I just listened as he scrubbed my scent away from his body in the shower.

My neck throbbed, aching painfully in irritation at the bond not being finished.

When the water turned off, he approached the bedside, staring down at me with those dark, cold eyes.

A callous finger ran down my cheek, a sneer taking over his face as the droplets of water ran off of the short strands of his hair. Before uttering the words that crushed me, "If only I had gotten a beautiful mate."

And then he left.

He didn't turn to look at my immobile form on the bed. Every step he took, the burning in my neck grew before tears were falling from my eyes at the pain.

When the door slammed shut with the lock clicking into place, I carefully curled up on my side. With only my wolf to comfort me and me to comfort her as she whined low in her throat at the pain we were in.

I didn't pray to the Goddess that night.

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