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            I had gotten so used to the constant pain, it wasn't surprising as I doubled over, clutching my stomach as the pain was gradually spreading from my mark to every place that my mate was touching another.

It wasn't surprising.

After a year of becoming accustomed to the pain that threatened to drag me to the ground, I grew used to it.

My mate was unloyal.

One of the many things I attached to Alexi.

My mate didn't care for me as a mate should, as I so often saw mates be doted on.

I was a burden in his eyes, and that's all I could relate myself to any more.

A burden.

My own mate didn't want me, who would?

It's the question that I pondered on every day, I had nothing else to do but think as I cleaned, and I cooked.

Those were the two things that I kept myself busy with until he came home at night.

And then we were forced to mate with one another, with the scent of the she wolfs whose presence he surrounded himself in pouring off of his skin as I laid their limp.

My wolf was weak in me, she was unhappy with her life. She retreated as far as she could in my mind when he was around.

He made us sick.

We knew how we should be treated, and this wasn't it. Our obligations were morphed.

We've had this struggle for over a year now.

Do we continue being the perfect housewife to our mate, or do we follow our own wishes and dreams?

He only kept me around for his need of an heir.

He constantly reminds me that its all I'm good for, all I will ever be good for.

The thought of even having a child with my own mate was terrifying because when it eventually happened, my child would be subjected to the same treatment I am.

Suffocated in this cabin until they were old enough to train, and then I would be alone again. I wouldn't have any purpose.

He wouldn't have any need for me, he would be able to finally rid himself of the mate he never wanted.

I would be dead, and my child would be left in the grasp of a monster.

A child I couldn't allow myself to have.

As much as I had wanted one before, reasoning with myself that when I found my mate, I would finally settle down. I couldn't, not with Alexi.

He bedded the she-wolf so often that her scent was stuck to my skin, no amount of scrubbing took the scent from my own. I knew it was his way of reminding me yet again that I wasn't what he wanted.

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