Chapter 1:

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Euijin's P.O.V
Feeldog ran to the elevator, everyone following after. Thinking I was the last one out, I switched off the light and went to shut the door, whenever  I heard a shuffling causing me to turn to the source of the sound.

'Kijoong-ah? What are you doing back there?' No response, 'you coming?' he remained silent so I took it upon myself to see if he was okay, and headed over, door slamming shut.

I waved my arms in hopes that the automatic lights would turn on. And to my fortune, they did, only to illuminate the face that was Kijoong. At first glance, he looked normal with the cute complexion of his skin, but with closer inspection I could notice dark circles around his eyes, wrinkle lines on his forehead lightly showed themselves, now that I'm paying attention, he smells pretty bad too and his hair was on the greasy side.

'Hey Kijoongie, are you okay?' Suddenly, he snapped out of his trance and smiled. It was clearly fake but I didn't want to push him considering his current situation.

'Yeah, fine. Let's go check out the rooms!' He grabbed my hand and dragged our luggage to the elevator. The elevator trip was slightly awkward as Kijoong still clutched onto my hand and I could feel my palms starting to sweat. Not to mention the fact he had a hold of ALL our luggage and I started to feel bad. When a loud 'ding' sounded, Kijoong hoisted us out and into the large room that connected the dorm rooms together.

'-and that leaves those two' we seemed to have been intruding on the other's conversation when Jun looked up at the two of us holding hands. I was right about to snatch my hand away when Kijoong did so himself.

'What did we miss?' I spoke up, sitting next to Daewon on the floor.

'Oh nothing really. Just finished choosing who is sharing rooms with who,' he spoke.

'We're sharing?!' A look of panic plastered Kijoong's face, 'Who did you put me with?' he spoke loud and seemed almost in a rush for some reason.

'We decided to put you with Euijinnie. Is that okay?' Ji Hansol, why must he call me that?!

Kijoong shuffled on his feet, 'I uuh-well I-'

'Okay, it's set then. Don't worry. It's not like he bites or anything' Hojung chewed the air in Kijoong's direction teasingly.

'O-okay. I guess I'll unpack first-'

'Do you want me to help?' I worried, seeing the state he was in, even if the others didn't notice.

'N-no thank you for the thought though' He put on another one of his fake smiles. He seemed a bit unsettled on the thought of sharing a room with me, but he didn't refuse so whatever it was, it mustn't have been too bad right???

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