Chapter 12:

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Kijung's P.O.V
Finally getting released from hospital was so...I don't even know how to say it. It was only a day or so but it felt like years. Hansol-hyung came to pick me up, along with Lee Geon, another participant on the unit.

'Thank you for coming to get me hyungs' I bowed but the two only smiled as they shuffled me into the vehicle.

'How are you feeling Kijungie? I heard you fainted'

'Ah passed out but yeah same thing really. And I'm okay thank you, lee geon....I was wondering' I started to whisper so that Hansol in the front couldn't hear us, 'do you know anything about Hansol and Euijin hyung? Like...sneaking about'

'Oooh you mean their dates?'


'Oh not actual dates they just call it that because it's fun. No they're just close but nothing like that. Why'd you ask?'

'Doesn't matter' I looked out of the window for the rest of the car journey in silence. At least they're not a thing like we all thought

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