Chapter 6:

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Kijung's P.O.V
As soon as we arrived at the fair, Hansol hyung seemed to be happier already, even if I was starting to feel a bit sick just watching the rides from a distance. We hadn't been on any yet and thought we should work from the bottom up. We all got snacks such as candy floss, hot dogs and simple foods to nibble on while searching which rides who would go on first. In the ends we decided to stay in groups:

Marco, Jun and Chan

Hojung, Daewon and Feeldog

Hansol, Euijin and me

How Chan worded it, I was last.....of course. Even in choosing groups my name was called last. Great. Immediately after choosing the groups, we all set off in opposite directs when Hansol pointed out a certain ride which made my stomach churn just by looking at it.

Pirate's ship

I know, real original, right? I would have refused but with it being Hansol's birthday, plus the fact he literally dragged me and Euijin to come along, we ended up getting on in the end. The ride would rock from one side to another to the point it would spin upside down several times.

We lined up for tickets and it seemed quite popular so we had to wait a good 15 minutes just to be able to see the ticket register. 'Hyung....' I tugged on Euijin's sleeve from behind him and Hansol.

'Kijoong-ah? What is it?' He turned around, Hansol didn't seem to notice though.

'Is it too late to say I'm afraid of heights?' I asked as I looked down, I was ashamed of myself but it's a fear I've had since I was young and no matter how hard I tried to get over it, I just couldn't

'That's okay, don't look anywhere but at me' he grinned widely and I couldn't tell if he was joking or not and I just grabbed his hand. I blushed over poweringly and I could feel my face heat up, when he interlaced our fingers(if it were possible) I could feel myself blushing even more noticeably. Not like it wasnt obvious before though. That's when I noticed his tight grip on Hansol's hand as well. Huh....was hyung afraid of heights too. I never knew....strange. But he seemed so relaxed as he payed for the tickets and he......oh, I noticed that wasn't it. They weren't holding hands because he was afraid. They were holding hands because they wanted to. And with that, I slipped my hand away from Euijin out of envy, but he didn't seem to notice.

As we boarded the 'ship' my two hyungs had gotten closer to one another to the point their shoulders were pressed together and I felt so jealous of the closeness between the two, I stopped where I was and started heading off the ride before it was about to move, when one of the instructors brought me to a seat next two my two hyungs and they smiled as they watched me be seated.

* * *

'Ugh I feel so sick and dizzy' Euijin stumbled off the last ride of the evening, by popular vote from the other members. Euijin seemed like a drunk man rather then dizzy as he clung to Feeldog and Jun to stay on his feet.

'Did he drink anything?' Marco watched as the others walked ahead, but I wasn't paying attention to him. I just walked next to Marco slowly, watching my feet as we walked along. 'Hey Kijoong, hello?' Marco waved his arms in front of my face when I realised I had stopped walking and had started to doze off

'H-huh? Yeah....I uh....' the next thing I remember, everything was black and I could only hear the distant calling of my voice


'Is he waking up?'

'He seems to be'

'Ssssshh, he might still be tired'

I opened my eyes to find my hyungs surrounding me on, what seemed to be my bed. 'Ah! What're you all doing so close?! How did I get here?!' I panicked, so many questions filled my head and I tried to sit up only to find my arms weak and limb

'Nonononono. Stay lied down. Don't put pressure on yourself' Chan hugged me gently and that's when I noticed, this wasn't my bed. Nor was I in the dorms. I was in a hospital bed, wearing one of those ugly hospital gowns. Ew

Looking around to find the one face of comfort I needed I only found it wasn't there. In fact there was only Chan, Feeldog, Daewon and Hojung at my side. 'What happened? Where am I?'

'Marco said you seemed to have passed out. He actually carried you to the vehicle before we came here. The doctor said it was stress or health reasons you passed. out. Is there something you want to talk about? You know you can talk to us' Chan had a worried look on his face and I felt bad lying so I decided, they'd find out eventually anyway

'Recently I've not been sleeping any mire then two hours a night and I've not been eating lately' I looked down, avoiding eye contact with any of my hyungs

' really shouldn't skip sleep and meals, there's no wonder you're always tired and out of energy' Feeldog ruffled my hair comfortingly

'There's also something else that's been bothering me lately as well' I continued and saw perplexed faces so I continued, 'are Euijin hyung and Hansol dating?'

'What why would you......oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise you might have liked-'

'No it's okay. I tried to hide my feelings from him for some time now. Just my luck it was Hansol that got to him first right?' I interrupted Hojung, not wanting him to spill the news before I did myself

'Hey, who knows, they might not be a 'thing'. But it would explain why they both left the other night without a word' Feeldog awkwardly smiled, I think this was supposed to be comfort. 'Anyway....we should probably let you rest' my hyungs stood up and left me be by myself which wasn't the best idea by my personal opinion. I tend to over think things when I'm on my own.

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