Chapter 7:

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Kijung's P.O.V
After many visits of the members, going home as it got late, Hansol stepped into the room once more sitting on the chair next to me and remained silent. I felt his gaze boring onto me and I fidgeted awkwardly on the bed

'What is it Kijoong?'

'Huh? What do you mean? What is what?' I glanced over to him, only to turn my gaze to my fingers as i played with a pieced of string on a cushion.

'What happened? What made you pass out? Why are your eyes red and have huge dark circles around them? Have you not been sleeping? Why?' When he brought his hands to mine, I couldn't help but flinch away. I needed to think, there's only a certain amount of sensitive questions one can ask before the person in questioning cracks. Especially if he's been dating the crush of your life, not like I know if it's a fact or not I didn't care

'It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you.' He held my hands and looked into my eyes which I found unsettling to say the least, as tears formed at my eyes.


'Marco! Visiting hours are over! C'mon or manager hyung will leave us to walk home!' Feeldog stepped in the doorway but came to a halt, 'sorry, I didn't know you were here Hansol...and um....talking'

'No! It's ok. He was just... leaving' I smiled innocently at Feeldog but we all knew something was wrong

'Nope. I'm staying....we're staying' Hansol gestured between himself and the leader, before sitting on the side of the bed, 'or at least until you tell us what's going on'

'I know.' Feeldog quickly butted his words into the conversation

'You what?!'

'Okay okay, chill your beans! Kijoong told me earlier, I figured he already told you considering you seem so close but I guess you're not' guilt flushed over me as my eyes became puffy.

'C-can I get a tis-sue p-please' my body shook uncontrollably, god that is embarrassing

'Yeah....sorry' after handing me a tissue and I calmed down Feeldog, much to my mercy, changed the subject. ' and Bora...uh... split up'

Oh wait nevermind. No mercy. Great. More relationship troubles. 'H-how come? If you don't mind me asking'....silence. And it only became more awkward when Hansol stood and left, replaced at my side by my miniature hyung, Feeldog. 'Don't leave me'

'I won't,' but he wasn't just saying it, it was a promise. Usually I would've preferred to spend the night in the same room as a member I was closer to like Euijin or Marco. But at the time just knowing someone cared was enough for me to sleep

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