Chapter 2:

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Kijung's P.O.V
After around half an hour of sitting in my chosen dorm room, I still hadn't unpacked even a sock. I was simply too tired to move an inch off the bed that brought me comfort. I pulled off my jacket, dumping it on top of my luggage, and pulled the bed sheets over myself. I could just fall asleep. I nearly succeeded in doing so until Euijin broke the silence, calling to me from the other room.

'Hey Kijoong-ah, have you finished unpacking yet?'

'No,' I mumbled rolling onto my stomach, burying my face into the cushion. Euijin walked in slowly, probably with his eyes closed because of his slow reactions, until he realised I was laying on the bed, practically asleep. I only say this because he started with-

'What did you say, you done?' Then his footsteps stopped a metre or so away from the bed. 'Aish Kijoong! You've not even unpacked your hand luggage!'

'Hmmmph, don't want to' I pulled the sheet over my head in hopes he'd leave me alone, instead he did the complete opposite and started pulling at the sheets in attempt to get me out of bed.

'Ki' you need to unpack! Get out of bed or I'll.....' he stopped his sentence, unaware of how I felt when he called me Ki'

'Or you'll what?' I pulled my head from out of the sheets.

'I'll kiss you' I hated when anyone kissed me, let alone my hyungs.

'You wouldn't dare.' I sprang up from the bed and tackled my hyung to the floor.

'Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?' He puckered his lips jokingly and stuggled, pressing his elbows into my arms until I fell to the floor. Well almost, instead I face-planted onto his chest which was comfier then expected, until he shoved me over to land on the floor with a 'thud'.

'HYUNG, THAT HURT!' I whined rubbing my forehead where I could feel a bruise starting to form already.

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, wait here one second' Euijin rushed out of the room in a hurry and I got up to sit on the end of my bed, still clutching the top of my head. A minute or so later, Euijin returned with a cloth in hand and strolled over to sit next to me. He lifted some hair off my head and pressed the cloth against it, causing me to flinch back in pain.

'Sit still, it'll be cold and probably hurt but it should help' he held my arm to stop my squirming and pressed the cold cloth onto my bruise.

'T-thanks' I looked down, my face displaying an obvious shade of pink.

'Are you okay Kijoongie? looked sick. Are you ill or something? Not to mention your face keeps burning up. Are you eating properly? Are you sleeping properly too? Are you ill?' He questioned

'No, I mean yes, I mean-I'm......fine. I'm just tired' I got up, dropped the icy cloth on my bed side desk and headed towards the bathroom.

'I'm going to get a shower. Do not, and I mean DO NOT, even think about judging me on my shower singing'

'Y-you sing? In the shower?' For some reason my hyung seemed suprised upon hearing this......weird.

*  *  * 

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom, but not before peeking through the doorway to see if Euijin was in the room. As far as I could see(which wasn't very)he had left the room and thankfully closed the door. I stepped out of our on suite bathroom and opened the door into something hard. Euijin's nose.

'OW!' he brought his hands to his bleeding nose and crouched down in pain, to which I knelt down beside him, patting him on the back in apology with one hand, holding the towel to my waist with the other.

'I'm sorry hyung I didn't see you, what was you even doing behind the bathroom door?'

'I was*sniff*'

'Dont sniff it'll make it worse'

'Fine, but I was trying to put my posters on the back of it, they dont fit on the other one' he stood up, head tilted back allowing air to his nose.

'.....weirdo. C'mon let's clear up all your' I look at his arm dripping blood onto the floor '....mess' I grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him into the bathroom, turned on the bath taps and grabbed a spare towel. After running the water until the tub was almost filled, I opened a bottle and poured in some cleansing liquid. When I turned back, I caught sight of a shirtless, about to be stripping Euijin.

'HYUNG!!!' I lifted the towel up to cover the sight and scrunched my eyes closed.

'What? It's not like it's anything you wont have seen before' he chuckled.

'Actually yeah it is, I've not seen none of it and I dont want to!'

'Jesus, you're such a kid' Euijin placed my arms down, both chests were  on display(except I was only in a towel, he however was  wearing jeans) this caused my face to flush a deep red. He grabbed the towel and stepped out of the way, allowing me to exit the small room. After hearing the water start, I sank onto my back on my bed, towel still wrapped around my waist and closed my eyes, muttering to myself.

'Why must you play with my heart?'

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