Chapter 5:

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Kijung's P.O.V
I had drifted off to sleep and seemingly managed to get a few hours when I woke up to my fellow members scuttering around the hallway. It got to the point that there would be screeching trainers against the floor every ten seconds. There's no way I can get back to sleep now-I got up, got showered and dressed. Euijin's jacket was slumped on his bed but he himself wasn't in the room.

'Aah morning Kijoong-ah! Sorry if we woke you' my hyungs were all gathered around the dining table with .....baking ingredients?

'Where is Ji Hansol hyung?' I looked around but couldn't seem to find him in the large dining area.

'Are you joking? It's his birthday, he's sleeping in. That's why were baking a cake.' Euijin whisper shouted, probably hoping not to wake up a sleeping Hansol. He may seem all nice and cutsy but he is a demon when he is woken up by ANYONE. 'Dont' tell me you forgot?' He had a disappointed look on his face

'No, I just.....I'm tired' I faked a yawn to cover up the fact I had indeed forgotten my hyung's birthday. Stupid me

* * *

When the cake was finished baking and decorated we all gathered around the birthday boy's door

'!' Feeldog burst through the door, cake in his hands and we all started singing happy birthday as we surrounded Hansol's bed

'Hmmph, why did it have to be today?' He groaned and covered his face with his pillow

'Oh come on Hans' you need to get up, it's your birthday so today we should go out and have fun today. All of us!' Euijin shook Hansol's shoulders in the hopes to awaken him more.

In the end, we all ended up kicked out of hyung's room and had began discussing how we could help him feel more in 'the birthday mood'

'We could throw a party?' Marco suggested. But we all agreed that Hansol isn't the party kind of person. In the end we decided going to the fair would probably be our best shot, and so Feeldog was sent off to arrange doing so with the 'man of the day' Feeldog's words not mine.

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