Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning feeling like we’ve reached a milestone. Katherine, the reason for most of our problems, is gone. Damon was able to push any feelings that he ever had for her to the back of his mind and succeed in locking her where she belongs. In a tomb to rot.

I wake up the next morning feeling good. With Katherine gone, Damon and I might be able to save any shred that’s left of our friendship. My brother’s safe and I’m ready to move on from all of her charades.

I know that my life of vampires is not over, but at least a huge problem is out of the way.


“So Sarah attacks Tyler and he pushed her away and she tripped and she fell and she hit her head.” Caroline explains to me as she gets ready for school.

There was a rumor circulating that Tyler Lockwood accidentally killed a girl last night which would mean that he triggered the curse. I’m here with Caroline to get to the bottom of it since she saw this all first hand.

“Does Matt remember anything?” I ask. He went after Tyler trying to get Tyler to fight back and when he failed, Sarah went after Tyler.

“He thinks he blacked out, but I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That’s why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident.” Caroline has a good theory about Katherine being at fault here, but I don’t understand her concern for Tyler.

“Yeah, I don’t understand that. The guy is a tool.”

“Gee, duh. Tyler getting blamed for Sarah’s death just opens up questions that he can’t answer and do you really think that it’s a good idea for him to tell his mom he’s a werewolf?” She fires back at me.

“Well, no.”

“And that werewolf road leads straight to vampire boulevard. I thought I was thinking fast on my feet.”

“Where is your mom?” I ask changing the subject.

“Leading the search party for Aimee Bradley. They haven’t found her body yet.” She says and I laugh.

“Oh, teens today and their underage drinking. Tragic. Wait, did you see Tyler’s eyes turn yellow?”

“They were more gold with amber highlights.”


“Can he turn into a wolf now?” Caroline asks naively.

“Only on a full moon but now he has increased strength and who knows what else. I wonder how much Mason told him. Does he know about us?” I ask and Caroline doesn’t answer as her fingers slide across her phone screen.

“Hey! What did you tell him?” I ask again and she snaps her head up.

“Nothing. Really. I don’t think he knows much of anything. He seemed really freaked out and honestly, I felt kind of bad for him.” She says walking towards her front door.

“He’s got to know something.”

“Alright, I’ll ask him.”

I shake my head and rush over to her grabbing her shoulders. “No, you won’t Caroline! He cannot know about us. A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire, so don’t be his friend! Do you understand me?”

“I understand.” She says quietly as I release her. “I’m late for school.”

“Right. If you wanna drop a hint to your mom, that Aimee’s body is at the bottom of a ravine with a cracked spine. Might save your mom some time.” I smirk, opening the door for her and walking out of the house.

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