Chapter Three

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Kurt's POV;

"Drink this." Krist said handing me a cup with beer in it. I shook my head.

"Get that away from me." I said handing it back to him.

"Come on, we're seniors, Kurt, just get drunk and let's have fun." Krist said and began chugging it.


"Please, just drink some for me. And after you get drunk we'll have some fun." He winked. "It's funner when you're drunk."

"I don't think I should."

"You should." He said handing me another cup. I smelt it, and it didn't smell so good. I got a sip and damn it tasted horrible. I kept sipping on it, until I had the whole thing drank and Krist gave me another cup.


Dave's POV;

I saw Kurt stumbling through the crowded house. I knew he was drunk. He had a beer in his hand and was spilling it everywhere. I chuckled and made my way over to him.

"Hey sexy." I whispered in his ear and winked.

He chuckled. "Hey baby." He slurred.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What?" He said with a laugh and dropped his beer. "Shit." He groaned fell to the floor, picking up his cup. I guess he realized it was empty because he threw it across the room. I grabbed his arms and helped him up.

"Why don't you kiss me like you did in the hallway today?" He slurred. I grinned and pressed my lips onto his. He began to sloppily kiss me back and push me on the couch. He straddled me and kissed me deeply and sloppily again. His breath was getting heavy and it was honesty sexy.

"I want you." He whispered gently in my ear and added, "Fuck me."

"Really?" I bit my lip.

He laughed. "Fuck me." He screamed and unbuttoned his jeans. It seemed to take him forever to get it undone.

"Your turn." He slurred and chuckled.

"How about you do it for me?" I asked and winked. He laughed and undid my jeans.

"Now wh-what?" He asked.

"Now you touch me." I grinned. He stuck his hands into his own jeans and touched himself. I watched him with wide eyes. It was honestly sexy seeing him do that.

"Dave, this feels so good." He slurred.

"What feels good?" I asked teasingly.

"You touching me." He moaned.

"You're touching yourself." I informed him.

He laughed and moaned again. "You better-"

"What the hell are you doing?" Some guy asked as he pulled Kurt off my lap. I've never seen him before, but he was pretty tall.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked angrily.

"Why the hell were you kissing him?" he shot back.

"Because he told me to."

"He's drunk dumb fuck."


"So, he's my fucking boyfriend! You mother fucker, I should kill you right now with my bare hands."

Kurt slurred, "No, no killing. No. Don't. Please."

"C'mon, put him back on my lap, I think he was a little busy." I teased and winked. And then I felt a fist hit my jaw.

"No!" I heard Kurt scream and pull the guy away.

"I swear I'll fucking kill you!" He screamed.

"Stop." Kurt said and broke into tears. I felt blood run from my nose. Kurt pushed the guys away again and then passed out on the floor.

Luckily the guy didn't attack me again. Instead, he picked Kurt up and carried him upstairs.

My Unchained HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora