Chapter Ten

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Kurt's POV;

"No, I am not going to another party." I said crossing my arms. He pouted.

"Please." Dave whined.

I shook my head. "No."

"You have to go." He said pulling at my arm.

"And why is that?"

"Because you love me."

"Last time I went to a party I ended up drunk and on a hangover the next day." I said and then I kissed Dave's cheek. "That's why I'm not going."

"But, what if neither of us get drunk." He said.

I crossed my arms. "Yeah right."

"If I kiss you will you go?" He asked as he leaned closer.

"Nope. A kiss isn't going to persuade me to go." I said.

"Come on, Kurt. Please go. Please. You went with Krist."

I chuckled. "Are you jealous?"

"No, but I want you to go with me." He said and then he pecked my lips.

"Fine. But if I wake up with a hangover you better not say anything about my bitching." I said as I opened my window.

"So we're taking the window?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes. If my parents find out I'm going to a party they will kill me." I said taking his hands away. I started to climb out the window before adding, "I'll probably end up naked on a street somewhere."

Dave chuckled and followed behind me. Accidentally, he kicked my head. He started to laugh again.

"Dave, shut up." I whispered.

"I'm sorry." He said, holding back a chuckle.

"Oh fuck." I said as Dave fell and took me with him. We both landed on our back and winced in pain.

"Dumb ass." I said as I pushed him. He started to laugh again.

"That hurt." I whined. Dave quickly sat up and kissed me.

"Let's go." He said against my lips before kissing them again. He stood up and then he pulled me up.

"Jump on my back." He said. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up, throwing my legs around his waist.

"Can we do something tonight?" He asked.

"No." I said then I kissed his cheek.

He sighed. "Fine. I'll just get you drunk."

I chuckled. "Good luck with that."


"You're such a jerk, Dave." I yelled and pushing past him.

"I didn't mean to, Kurt. I'm sorry." He slurred grabbing my hand.

"Fuck off. I should've listened to Krist. I should've known you'd hurt me." I shouted.

"I didn't mean to kiss him, I'm sorry I-I-"

"Shut the hell up." I said as I pushed him and quickly stormed out of the house. I jammed my hands in my pockets and started to cry as I walked home. I shouldn't have left Krist. I should've known Dave would've hurt me. He does everyone else. I guess I was just too stupid to realize that.

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