Black Eyes

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Hiccup was sleeping peacefully in his bed when he felt an hand on his shoulder, he looked to see...

"Astrid!" he gasped as he fling his arms over her but she did not return the hug

He broke his grip on her then He looked at her and immediately for the fist time ever in his life wished she wasn't there

Her eyes were as Black as Toothless' scales and her lips were as pale as her skin "uhh Astrid?...what's going on?" he said nervously as he backed away from her

Then out of the blue she pulled out a dagger and jumped on him pinning him to the floor "Astrid! what are you doing? snap out of it" he yelled at her as he tried to get free of her grip

"Oh that's not going to happen" a voice said, then as soon as he walked into their room Hiccup knew what was going on

"What did you do to her Drago!" hiccup yelled, Drago showed him a small glass bottle that appeared to be empty "Miricuru does magic wanders beyond beliefs" he said as he laughed evilly

Drago then whispered into Astrid's ear "kill him" and walked out the room, then Astrid stood up and gripped the dagger in both hands "no! Astrid don't do it" he begged

But Astrid brought it down slamming it into his chest

"NO!" he screamed as he sat up panting and sweating "Oh thank you Thor. I was dreaming" he panted as he fell back onto his bed trying to catch his breath

"Well I guess I might as well get up since I don't want to revisit that dream again" he said as he pulled of the covers and walked over to his wardrobe

He pulled out his armour and as he did something fell to the floor, he picked it up and as soon as he looked at it so many memories came flooding back

"This is Astrid's old outfit from when we were teenagers" he said as he examined the green striped tunic and red spiky leather skirt

He then saw something in the pocket of her skirt, he pulled it out and looked at what seemed to be a note, he opened it up and it said

To my Beloved Hiccup

I am reading this to you now as you have probably entered the gates of Valhalla by now and are watching down upon us with your mother

You did it, you killed the Red Death and managed to get your father to form an alliance with the dragons, I wish you were here to see this because I know that everyone here at your funeral agrees when I say

You are our hero Hiccup, you're my hero

To my hero in Valhalla, I love you Hiccup

Astrid x

It was a letter she was going to read at his funeral, when he was in a coma for the sixth month they were about to call it but before they did he woke up

"Wow I never knew how much Astrid cared about me back then" he said as he put the letter back in her skirt pocket and put her outfit back in the wardrobe

"I wander what that dream was about, Miricuru? Bork might have some notes in his papers" he said and he walked over to his bed and pulled out a chest containing all of Bork's work

"Now then let's see? Monstrous Nightmare, Magnus the Merciful...AH HA! Miricuru" he exclaimed as he found the sheet

"I found this drug many years ago and have seen it used in hundreds of torture and killing acts against those who did not follow their masters, when the subject consumes this liquid their eyes will turn jet black and their lips will lose all their colour, do not engage anyone who has consumed Miricuru as they become unstoppable and indestructible"

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