Not a Nightmare

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Hiccup was using his ability to see the future again, he was a little rusty with the affects it had on him since he hasn't used it since Astrid died...sort of

He could see an arena with bones and blood all over the walls then he saw two figures fighting quite close to him, and from the looks of it they were trying to kill

He went closer as they continued to fight and he heard a voice "you didn't kill me the first time what makes you think you will beat me this time" the voice yelled, it sounded croaky and very dark then another voice came

"Never judge a book by its cover Drago!" it yelled, then he realised that this will be his fight with Drago in a few weeks time

He looked around and he saw Astrid being held by two guards, she had been gaged and had a knife pressed to her neck, there was only a little blood sliding down her neck

Then an agonising scream echoed throughout the arena and Astrid started to scream and cry, he turned round and it was like seeing the entrance to Valhalla

Before him stood Drago with an evil smile on his face and before him was his sword that went through Hiccup's chest, he with drawer the blade and he fell to the ground coughing up lots of blood

Drago then started to cackle evilly and stood over his bloody corps, he the raised his sword in the air ready to finish it

Then Hiccup's eyes snapped open and he fell to the floor, he was breathless and sweaty, he wiped the sweat of his forehead and managed to climb to his feat and walk down the stairs and out the house

He went to the forge and found it empty "huh? Gobber must've gone home for the day" he said, then he heard something crash in his little office in the back of the forge, he quickly drew his Inferno and in was quickly engulfed in flames

He slowly edged his way towards the curtain and reached his hand out to pull it back, he got a firm grip on it and then he yanked it back and pointed his Inferno at "Astrid?" he said, why was she here "Hi Hiccup" she said rather embarrassed

"What are you doing here? and where's Miri?" he asked "she's over at Valka's and......y-you....I was being nosey and looked through all your papers" she said looking at him with that apologetic face that Hiccup loves so much

"Why are you upset?" he said "you're fighting Drago in two weeks Hiccup, why wouldn't I be could die in that arena and all I'll have left of you is Miri" she said starting to cry

Hiccup placed his sword back in his holster and wrapped his arms round her, she cried into his tunic and gripped his armour not wanting to let him go, she feared that the fight would be his last

Soon Astrid started to calm down and she soon fell asleep, when Hiccup noticed this he couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked when she was sleeping, he picked her up bridal style and carried her out the shop

When he got outside he saw Toothless and Stormfly walking over to him "hey you two" he said with a smile, Toothless walked upto him and licked his face "aww come on bud you know that doesn't wash out" he wined, then he felt Astrid stirring in his arms and both him and Toothless froze

Stormfly came over and saw her rider sleeping soundly in Hiccup's arms, she gently nudged her and purred softly "come on let's go home" he said and carried Astrid home with Toothless and Stormfly not far behind

For some reason they kept on sniffing the air and growling softly to each other and looking around rather cautiously "hmm? what could they be upto now" Hiccup thought to himself

He decided to ignore it and carried on walking with Astrid sleeping soundly in his arms.

When they got back home Hiccup managed to open the door and walked in he looked back and saw Toothless and Stormfly watching guard "hey bud, you coming inside?" he said but Toothless just looked at him and growled

"Stormfly, what about you girl, are you gonna come inside?" he asked her but yet again she just growled and ignored him "okay then? see you in the morning" he said and closed the door extremely confused at what just happened

He carried Astrid up stairs and into their bedroom, he laid her on the wooly sheets and then pulled the covers over her, he looked at her and saw a tiny smile on her face, he smiled and kissed her forehead then walked out the room and left her to rest

He was sitting on the sofa reading the book of dragons and reading through some villagers demands for marriage or other tribes to come to their island to learn about dragons, then there was a very familiar sound

Toothless roared for a moment like he was attacking so Hiccup jumped up from his chair and darted for the door, he burst through and what he saw shocked him, Miri was there with Valka and Miri managed to put Toothless to sleep like Valka did

"How did you do that?" he said "I taught her how to do it if she ever comes across a wild dragon" Valka replied with a smile, Hiccup laughed and lifted Miracle into his arms "did you have a good time with your gran" he said poking her nose making her laugh

"Yes, can I spend the day with her again soon?" she asked with a cute little smile "sure you can" Hiccup said making Miracle beam from ear to ear "I'll see you later son" Valka said as she walked away

"Oh! mum wait" he said as he put Miri down "Miri go find your mummy but don't wake her up" he said as he kissed her forehead and walked out the door

"What's wrong Hiccup?" Valka asked as he ran over to her with a worried look on his face "I...I have seen know with my ability and......I saw something that made me think, is this the right thing to do, will killing Drago make the last five years seem like they never happened" he stuttered

"Oh my gods saw your own death didn't you" she gasped, Hiccup nodded sadly, he never wanted her to find out about all this but it would be better if she did "I saw myself and Drago fighting in an arena, looked like I was winning until....." he stopped there, should he say how he meets his maker

"Hiccup! you have to tell Astrid about this, she deserves to know since she is your wife" she said "I haven't won her back yet mum...I might not win her back at all" he said with a depressed look on his face

"Son you can't let this get to your head, the power to see ones future is an incredible thing, and there is a way to change what you have seen" she said, Hiccup suddenly filled to the brim with hope "really? how" he asked rather quickly

Valka took a deep breath and said "there was a legend from long ago and he too had the same powers as you son, but when he saw his friend being killed by his own hand he decided to change what he saw, but in order to do it he had to........" she stopped there, she couldn't say the rest

"Had to what?" Hiccup asked rather curiously, Valka looked him in the eyes and said "he had to kill his first love" she said, Hiccup froze in shock and fear, he couldn't believe what he just heard "what! you mean kill....Astrid"

Valka was more depressed than when she left Berk and didn't come back or write to him "I'm sorry Hiccup, it's either you or Astrid but I know it's a choice you don't have to make....remember this son, no vision is set by fate and only those who see can change it"

Hiccup sighed then looked back up at Valka and nodded "I know what's going to happen at the arena and I am not afraid of what I've seen" he said bravely "A chief protects his people, and that's what I'm going to do, its time I fight Drago and end this" he said

Valka beamed, she was so proud of his efforts now to protect Astrid and defeat Drago

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