9) Congrats

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5 years later
Elena's POV
Dear Diary,
Five years ago I left to New Orleans. I left Kol. I left Klaus. I left the drama. It's been almost six years since I left mystic falls. I haven't seen or heard from anyone. My emotions are hanging on by a thread. The only one helping me through it is Marcel. I moved here four years ago. Me and Marcel have gotten really close and we started dating. I told him about my past with the Michelson's. He knows what happens when I get angry and he always knows how to calm me down. I am the happiest I've ever been. I run New Orleans with Marcel and it's all been peaceful. But there's something missing that I can never forget about. It's like there's and empty space in my heart and it can only be filled with a certain thing. Only problem is that I don't know what it is.
Till next time, Elena

After I was done writing in my diary I get dressed and walk downstairs to find Marcel. He told me today that we were going out dancing. I'm very excited and I bought a brand new dress for the occasion.
"Hey babe." He said
"Hey, what are you up to?"
"Nothing much. You?"
"Nothing just excited for our date." I said smiling
"Me too."
Just then we heard a bang.
"Elena get upstairs. And don't argue with me."
Marcel is very protective with me. He knows that I'm stronger but he doesn't want people to come after me. I always protest but when he tells me not to argue I know it's something serious so I go upstairs and watch just to make sure it's ok. When I got to our room I made sure everything of mine was out of sight just Incase. But I couldn't help and smell a very familiar scent. I walked to the railing and looked over it. There was Finn, who I thought was dead, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah. I knew this was not good so i cloaked my smell and anything they could use to know I was here. I saw them talking. Then Klaus said
" Marcellus we have come to take our home and city back. Now you can give it back or we can take it back. And I heard something about you having a little girlfriend. I'd be happy to pay her a visit." Just then Marcel looked up at me and I shook my head then Rebekah said
"Oh, is she here Marcel?" Just then I jumped down behind them and said
"She is." And smirked
They all looked shocked
"Elena" Kol said
I didn't even look at him
"I suggest you leave before things get ugly for you."
I warned
"And what if I don't" Klaus said
"Aww Klaus you try to play tough guy but we both know I can take you down with the flick of my wrist." "Just because you can take me down doesn't mean I won't take Marcel out." Klaus said
Just then I let my rage consume me my hybrid face showed and he dropped to the floor screaming in pain blood coming from everywhere. They tried to stop me but I put a wall around us and kept going. I heard them yelling but I didn't stop. But then Marcel came in front of me and put his hand on my shoulders then said
"Babe, calm down." I wouldn't look at him "look at me." I looked at him with rage in my eyes. "He's not worth it. This is not you." I stopped and took a deep breath in and out and my hybrid face disappeared. I put down the invisible barrier and then said to Marcel
"I'm going to our room. Please escort them out and make sure the door hits them on the way out." I said and started to walk away before I heard Kol's voice
"Darling plea-" he started before I sped him to the wall with my hand around his throat and said
"You will do well to remember I am not your darling. I fell for it once and turned out I was just a toy for you to play with. I've moved on. So don't come back."
"Elena I am-" he started to say again but I bit him.
"Love you know that won't do anything. My blood is the cure." Klaus said
"Ok so heal him." I said
Klaus put his blood in a cup and gave it to Kol. Kol drank it and when his bite didn't go away I smirked.
"Well the thing is I'm the original tribrid. My blood is the cure. And since I'm feeling a little woozy I think I'll keep it all. Bye bye." I said and sped away
I heard the Michelson's leaving and Marcel came up.
"We have a date to get to."
I smiled and got dressed. It was a new short sparkly dress. I came out and Marcel smiled and said
I gave a spins and he laughed
"Let's get going." He said
We went out dancing and having a fun time after we were on our way home and I told him i would meet him there later. He smiled and kissed me.
"Love you."
"Love you too."
I sped to the Michelson's door and knocked. Elijah opened the door and let me in. My face showed no emotion. Everyone was in the living room with Kol who was on the couch. They all stood up and I said
"What I'm not going to kill him. He's already dying. Also you couldn't stop me."
"What do you want?" Klaus said
"I came to see Kol in his death bed." I walked over and looked at Kol.
"Satisfied?" Rebekah said
"Very." I said with a smirk and walked over to there alcohol cart. I picked up a glass and bit my wrist. I filled it up with blood. I gave it to Kol and he drank it. He instantly healed and sat up. Then I said
"I won't kill you. But if I find out that there is one dead witch, vampire, werewolf or hybrid I will not hesitate to get rid of you. Got it?"
They nodded and I started to walk away then Kol said
"Elena. Why didn't you come back? Why didn't you let me explain?"
I didn't turn around but I could feel a tear run down my cheek so I said
"You know what happened between me and Damon. How it broke me. But you made me feel alive again. Like I wanted to live. But then you did the same thing. I couldn't be here anymore. I needed to start over somewhere else. And I couldn't come back." I said before speeding out. I went home and I found Marcel asleep in bed so I walked around the compound. But then I found a room that I have neve been in for four years that I've been here. I walked in and saw a photo album. When I looked inside the photo album I found something that I though I'd never see. That I hoped would not be true.

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