12) Off

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Elena's POV
My humanity is off yet they are still surrounding me. I make sure no one is coming at me then I vampire speed grab Stefan and leave. Once we get back my hotel room I put a spell so no one can leave except me.
"Elena why did you take me?" Stefan asked
"Because I could."
"That's not an answer."
"Because your the good Salvatore. Your the only one I could take that ever single person in that room would look for you."
"That's not true."
"Yes, why would the Michelson's look for me. They don't care what happens to me."
"Your right. But they care what happens to me. You see Stefan if I kill you they know it will kill me when my humanity comes back on. I'll never be the same. But that's all I'm going to say."
"Wait is your not going to kill me?"
"Well I answer your question with a question. What happens to the bait?" Then I sped out of there. I went and got alcohol then I went back up. I turned on the music and opened the bottles and started drinking. Stefan was staring so I smirked towards him and said
"Come on Stefan. Loosen up. Have fun with me."
"Because the sooner I have my fun the sooner I'll turn on my emotions."
"Fine" He said getting up
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist and I took a drink of the bourbon and handed it to Stefan then continued to dance.
An hour later
We were still drinking and dancing when I heard a knock at the door. I opened the door and it was Kol.
"Go away Kol. I was having fun."
"Oh darling you know I can't do that."
"How'd you find me?"
"Quite simple actually. I heard the music from the house."
"Well glad to know you weren't looking." I said walking out
He started to walk out but he hit the barrier.
"What the-"
"Oh did I forget to tell you. I put a boundary spell up, so you and Stefan have fun."
I sped away to a bar. I saw Damon and Bonnie sitting in a booth. I sat down at the bar and listened in on there conversation.
Damon said
"Bon, we should just leave. It's not like we want Elena back. We've been happy for the past six years."
"But Damon, what about Stefan?"
"He knew what he was getting himself into coming here."
"He's your brother Damon."
"But all I need is you."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sped out of the bar and right back to the room immediately biting Stefan.
"What the hell!" Stefan said
"Well you see I have this brilliant idea. I was at the bar and Damon said you knew what you were getting yourself into and that all he needs is Bonnie. So Kol your going to take Stefan to Damon and we will see if he really only needs Bonnie."
"Elena please."
"Go! Now!"
Kol quickly sped Stefan out and to the compound. I followed because obviously I wanted to watch the show. Everyone was in the compound when Kol brought Stefan in.
"Stefan what happened?" (Bonnie)
"Elena happened." (Kol)
"What! Why?" (Damon)
"She heard you talking to Bonnie in the bar. Something about you only needing Bonnie."(Stefan)
"Well that is not the truth." (Damon)
"Then why did you say it" (Stefan)
"I don't know."(Damon)
Then I made my grand entrance.
"That's a low blow." (Me)
"Elena, please heal me." (Stefan)
"Well you see I could but why would I?" (Me)
"Because this will kill you" (Kol)
"How about we leave it up to Damon."(me)
I ran over and grabbed Bonnie ready to snap her neck.
"Choose Damon. Your Brother or your girlfriend."
"I uh"
"Wrong choice."
But I let go of Bonnie anyway because there was a voice in my head that told me to. I couldn't put my finger on the voice but I knew it was familiar. But then something clicked in my head. My emotions came back on and I didn't even flip it. It's like it was on a timer and it just went off. Before I could show any emotion I tried to leave but ran into a barrier. Everyone looked at me and i turned around and said "let me out."
"Sorry love But I cant do that." Klaus said
"At leads not till you turn it back on." Finn said
"You guys are really that oblivious. I already have."
"Then why haven't you healed him." Rebekah said
I looked at Stefan on the couch. I forgot about him. But I couldn't do anything because I passed out.

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