8) What do you want!?

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Elena's POV
When I saw her I was about to explode.
"Davina." I said with utter disgust.
"Elena." She said with a smirk. Then she looked to the right of me.
"How did you find me?" I yelled
All the originals stood confused as to how we know each other.
"Well pretty simple really. I wasn't looking." She smirked "I just came to get my boyfriend back."
"Boyfriend?" I asked confused
"Oh honey he didn't tell you about his ex girlfriends yet. Kol darling how about we leave this town."
She asked extending her arm.
I turned to Kol. "You have a girlfriend. And you didn't feel the need to tell me?"
Then Klaus cut in and said
"If I may ask, how do you guys know each other?"
Then Davina started telling the story
"Well when I was little I used to live with Elena. We were like sisters except she was adopted. I knew it, her parents knew it but everyone else didn't. My great grandma was a witch no one ever knew about. The only person I ever told was Elena. I explained how it skipped two generations and how it works. When I started getting better at controlling it I would show Elena some spells. She loved it. She was always so proud of me. But then I found out about the curse and thought that I would be in danger. So I learned a spell to make everyone I've ever met forget me and start a new life in New Orleans. I was going to leave but Elena wouldn't let me so I cursed her. When she was sixteen when she would be driving over wicker bridge with our parents and they would wreak and Elena wouldn't be able to do anything about it. She would know it was her coyly though. But then Stefan Salvatore saves her and she didn't die. So I never came back. But now I have come back for the love of my life and I'm not leaving without him. And your in the way." She started chanting and giving me a headache. But it wasn't a brain aneurysm. I fell to the floor holding my head and yelling. She smirked. Then I stood up and said
"I guess you didn't hear about my transformation."
"Well finally. It long enough. But I'm still stronger." She said and then started chanting but I just stood there smirking
"Oh sweet little Davina. I'm the strongest creature on this earth." I smirked and she went pale.
I used my speed to pin her to a wall. And showed my hybrid face."
She looked terrified but I didn't care. I started to walk away and she put up a boundary spell around me. I put my hand up and walked around it.
"Oh what an inconvenience" I said
Then I started chanting and broke the barrier
"How did you do that?" She asked
"Oh darling. I'm the very first tribrid."
Then I killed her and turned back to see the originals staring at me.
Kol's POV
I was watching Davina and Elena go at it. I honestly never liked Davina. Then Elena killed her. I wasn't that sad about it but then she walked into the living room. So my siblings and I followed her. She poured herself vodka and took five shots. Then i said
"Slow down love, or you'll regret that in the morning."
I could tell that pissed her off because she turned around and used magic to hold my airway so I couldn't breathe. Then she started yelling
"First of all don't tell me what to do. You do not own me. You don't even have a place to suggest anymore. Second of all you want to know what I regret? Sleeping with you. I should have never trusted you  to tell me the truth. You could have told me you had a girlfriend. That you were I live with by the way." I think she could tell that I was about to pass out so she dropped me to the ground. Then she went up to the her vodka and took another shot. Then she turned and looked at all of us.
Then she said
"I won't miss you."
Then with the snap of her wrist she broke all of our necks.
Elena's POV
I broke all of there necks then I went upstairs and packed all my bags. I put them in Kol's car and took off to find a new adventure far away from the originals.

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