13) I can't wake up

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I fainted.
The last thing I remember was Stefan on the couch.
Then Klaus was in my head.
"Klaus, what happened?"
"You fainted."
"I need you to get my blood to Stefan."
"Ok love."
Then he left my head and never came back which I wanted. I don't want anyone in my head. I don't know how long it's been but I blocked people from getting in my head. Except every once in a while where I get tired and the spell breaks. Then I was in the compound. I turned around an it was Marcel.
"Get out of my head! Now!" I yelled then threw him out of my head.
A little while later I could feel Stefan trying to get in.
(I can feel who is trying to get in my head.)
No ones POV
Everyone has been trying to get into Elena since she fainted a week ago. We haven't gotten in yet but it's Marcel's turn to try. We have all been taking turns. So Marcel goes in and then he stands up gasping.
"I got in" Marcel said
"Well what happened? What did she say?" Elijah asked
"All She said was get out of my head now. But I think she is purposely blocking us from getting in her head." Marcel said
"Why do you think that?" Stefan asked
"Because she very powerful and she didn't want me in her head." Marcel exclaimed
"Well maybe because it was you." Jeremy said
"Let me try." Stefan said
So Stefan went over and tried to get in her head.
Elena's POV
I let Stefan in because I couldn't stand being alone anymore.
"Elena?" Stefan asked
"Stefan I'm so sorry I didn't want you to die."
"I know but are you keeping us out of your head?"
"So why did you let me in?"
"I couldn't stand being alone anymore. But I can't wake up and face everyone."
"Are you keeping yourself asleep?"
"Elena. Please we can go back together."
"I can't. I can't wake up and see Marcel or Rebekah and especially Kol."
"Why especially Kol?"
"Because I never told anyone this but he was the one that broke my heart the most. When I found out he had a girlfriend I shattered.  With Damon my heart just cracked. Same with Marcel. But I can never let him no that."
"Why not Elena? He loves you so much. Out of everyone he is obviously the most miserable. He has not left your side at all. And when we we looking for you he never slept of fed at all because he was so disappointed that he couldn't find you."
"I know but I can't show weakness towards him. I could feel him here. I can feel when everyone tries to get in my head and when everyone touches me. The only reason Marcel got in is because I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting Stefan. I can't take it anymore."
"Then wake up and stop fighting . We can do it together."
"I can't Stefan. Not yet."
"Elena showing you have feelings is strength. Not weakness."
"Ok I just need a few more minutes. You go. Wait for me."
"Ok Elena."
Then Stefan left my head. I'm so scared to wake up but I know that I have to. I wait a few more minutes.
Then I'll wake up.
Stefan's POV
I wake up with a gasp and everyone looks at me.
"I got in."
"Well what happened." (Jeremy)
"She's broken. And she has been for a long time."
"From what?" (Tyler)
I looked at Kol.
"From Kol."
"Why from Kol?" (Damon)
"She said when she found Damon and Bonnie her heart cracked. When she found out about Marcel and Rebekah. Her heart hurt. But when she found out about Kol and Davina. Her heart didn't break but shattered."
Kol looked up with tears threatening to fall but didn't.
"She said she could feel everyone trying to get in her head. She is purposely keeping us out and staying in a sleep. Because she doesn't want to face everyone. Elena said that when Marcel got in it was only because she was tired of fighting. I tried to convince her to wake up. But I don't know if it worked."
"Wait so all of this is because of me?" Kol said
Then there was a gasp and I turned around and looked at Elena sitting up in the bed.

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