14) Taken

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Elena's POV
I woke up with a gasp and looked at everybody staring at me. I should have woken up. I should have stayed asleep. Then I heard Kol
"I-I shouldn't have woken up. I can't do this" I said getting out of the bed. But then Stefan came in front of me and said
"Elena it's ok."
I looked at Kol he was stating at me with regret.
"Did you tell him?" I asked pointing at Kol
"Is sorry, I had to tell them. They wouldn't understand."
"I have to go." I said
I ran out of the house into the woods and started hyperventilating. I fell on to my knees. I was thinking about everything then I felt two hands on my shoulders. They were just who I wanted but at the same time someone I never wanted to see again. It was Kol.
"Elena. I'm so sorry. Please I need you to come back to the compound so I can explain." He said
I just shook my head and he picked me up bridal style so I put my head on his chest. He sped us back to the compound and I could hear everyone stand up but I'm guessing he shook his head so everyone sat back down. He walked me up to what I'm guessing was his room and set me on the bed then said
"You need to rest. It's been a long day."
Then he started to leave but I said
"Stay. I don't want to be alone anymore."
Then he laid down next to me and I put my head on his chest. Then I fell asleep.
When I woke up this morning Kol wasn't beside me. I got up and went downstairs to see everyone down there. They all looked at me when I came downstairs. I sat next be Stefan and laid my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and closed my eyes. I could feel eyes on me so I opened my eyes and everyone was looking at me. All I said was
No one answered so I got up and said
"I need a drink."
I walked into the kitchen and got a blood bag. Then Kol walked in and I turned around but before I could say anything he kissed me. I immediately kissed back and then he pulled back and said I missed you.
Then I said
"I missed you too. But I can't forget what happened. I don't want hurt again. Every time I fall in love I get hurt."
"Please you have to let me explain myself. I can't let you go. Not again." Kol said
So he took my hand and led us up to his room. I sat on the bed and waited for the his explanation.
"Ok so when I was in New Orleans I met Davina. We started dating and I really liked her. But I started to realize that I didn't like her anymore so I told her that I was going on a trip and that I would be back. But I really wasn't coming back."
"So you just left? Without a goodbye?"
"She knew about the daggers."
"I know about the daggers. How do I know you won't do that to me?"
"Because I love you."
I didn't know what to say I just stood there shocked.
Then he kissed me and I didn't hesitate to kiss back. That's when I knew that the hole in my heart that needed filled was him. I pulled back and looked into his eyes then said
"I love you too"
He smiled and we kissed again then he took off my shirt and my pants then I took of his and we got on the bed.
(You know what happens next 😉)
I woke up and Kol wasn't there. I put his shirt and a blanket around me then walked downstairs and everyone was there. I walked over and sat on Kol's lap. We all talked and laughed. Then I noticed Damon and Marcel weren't there. Bonnie noticed and whispered in my ear and said
"I broke up with Damon and told him to leave before I killed him. Marcel left after he heard your and Kol's activities." She laughed
I nodded and went back to talking and laughing. I went into the Kitchen and when I came back out everyone was gone.
"Jeremy, Kol, Bonnie, Stefan" I yelled but no answer. Then I saw a note.
If you want your friends back you better come get them. First clue suicide watch.
Oh no they didn't.
I changed my clothes and then I went searching for everyone. I sped away and when I got back I was in Mystic Falls.

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