Chapter One: I Promise

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Clementine turned her head to meet AJ's gaze, furrowing her eyebrows in concern. He never called her by her full name.

"Are the raiders gonna leave us alone? I don't want them to come back..."

"James told me what Lilly and Abel will do next. He said theyll get more people and guns, and come attack us. Take everyone here,"Clementine sighed, pacing the floor of what used to be Marlon's office, and the Headmasters before that.

"How the hell would he know?" Violet grimaced. She had only heard little of the boy, and she wasnt impressed. Walker skins? It was disgusting and foul, and she couldnt fathom doing it for a living.

"He's watched them for a while. They're at war with another community. They take people to fight for them."

"Is that what happened to Minnie and Sophie? They turned them into soldiers?"

"Yeah. It'll happen to us too, if we dont stop them." Clementine scowled. The simple thought of any of the kids being taken by Delta was enough to make her blood boil.

"Minnie didnt even like killing walkers," Violet frowned. The news had obviously shaken her up, and rightfully so. The person that was once her girlfriend had been turned into a child soldier; they didnt even know if she was still alive.

Clementine sighed, walking back over to the door of the balcony, and slumping her shoulders. "How attached is everyone to the school?"

Violet furrowed her eyebrows. "It's our home. We all grew up here, for the most part. Even Willy could draw you a map like it was the back of his hand. Why?"

Clementine shrugged defeatedly. "I don't see an outcome to this that doesnt end with one of us dying or getting taken," She turned around, facing Violet now. "If we stay here, the raiders are going to know where to look. Were trapped inside the walls. There isnt going to be anywhere out of open sight for us to run, or fight in close combat. It's too open. They'll shoot us down before we even get a chance,"

"So, what are you proposing?" Violet questioned, watching as Clementine shook her head a bit.

"We leave." Violet immediately sat up straight, something uncommon for her, and shook her head.

"Clementine, - "

"Hear me out," She pleaded, Violet sighing and slumping back into the chair. "We give ourselves two weeks. Gather up as much as we can. Grab whatever sentimental items we still have. In the meantime, Ill go out with a small group. Away from the direction Lilly and Abel met me and AJ when you sent us out," Violet frowned at the mention. "See if we can find us something else. A cabin. A hotel. Something, that isnt here."

"Wouldnt it be better to stay and fight? We would have the upper hand. We've lived here our whole lives, we know the layout- ""-And thats what they're expecting," Clementine reasoned. "They're going to expect us to stay and fight. If we leave, they wont be able to find us. We'll be gone before they show up." Violet frowned, Clementine sighing and walking over, sitting on the desk in front of her. "It wont be permanent. Give it a few months, until Delta thinks we're dead or long gone. Either that, or until we find more guns. Even out the playing field."

Violet glanced up to her anxiously. "Do you think it'll work?"

"I think its a better plan than sitting here and waiting for them to make the first move. Im going to need your help convincing the rest of the kids," Clementine quietly asked, Violet rubbing her own eyes and nodding.

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