Chapter Five: Broken Nose

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It smelled of nothing but wretched rust, mold, and fish. Definitely not her favorite scent in the world.

She wasn’t even sure what time it was, but judging by the lack of any light, she could only assume it was late. Why they had decided to leave her in the room by herself for the rest of the day, she had absolutely no idea. If anything, it gave her time to strategize. Plan. Think about it.

From the smell of fish, they were most likely near water. Were they on a boat? It certainly tilted like one, and creaked like one too.

Other than that, their footsteps. She could hear everyone walking past her door. The floor above her, and sometimes the floor below. Soft set of footsteps, right after one another. Someone her weight, probably a bit taller, no gun. Heavy set of footsteps, spaced out paces. Male, gun. Most likely a lot taller than her.

If they gave her long enough, she would know exactly how many people were on the boat, and a general description of each. Of course, that would also require her to get food and water, so as she didn’t die in the process. Not to mention, her wrist and ribs hurt like an absolute bitch.

She wasn’t sure when she had dozed off - or even that she had - until she felt another bucket of cold water splash over her head. She jolted awake, eyes widening as she tried her best to calm down.

“Up and at ‘em, kid!” Emmanuel grinned, getting a not very pleased look from Clementine.

“If you keep drenching me in ice water, I’ll get hypothermia before you get a chance to find out where they are,” She noted, watching an eyebrow raise. It was absolutely freezing outside. The ice on the lake near where they had been staying had frozen over a week or so before. Not enough to walk on, but enough to turn the entire top layer of water into ice.

“It’s not going to be how you wake up every day, it’s just fun,” He reasoned, setting it down behind him. “You jump like seven feet when I do it, too. You hate the cold?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She tested, leaning forwards a bit in her chair. It made her wrists, back, and sides ache, but she couldn’t let him think she was intimidated.

Emmanuel placed his hands on his hips, lifting his chin a bit. “Something tells me you aren’t all bark and no bite,”

“We can test that theory if you want.” She spat back, earning a toothy grin. His teeth were next to perfect.

“I’d love to, really, but I’m afraid I’ve got more important things to be getting to.” He nodded. “Staring with, where are the kids, Clementine?”

“Have you tried checking up your ass?” She glared, only to widen her eyes in fake shock. “Oh, shit..My bad. Forgot that’s where your head was. Maybe there’d be room if you could manage to pull it out.”

Emmanuel turned behind him. In the doorway stood the same figure as yesterday. “I like her,” He grinned, before turning and crouching down to her eye level. “That’s cute. Now tell me where they are, and this can be easy. It doesn’t have to get messier than it already is, Clementine,”

“That’s the second time you’ve said that,” She hummed. “Are you just going to threaten me everyday? Because, I may not be, but it sure seems to me like you’re the one that’s all bark and no b-” Clementine was cut off as a palm collided with her cheek, stinging like it had been set on fire.

“How’s that for bite?” He reasoned, furrowing his eyebrows together. “Tell me where they are, you’ll be fine. Last chance, kid.”

Clementine rolled her jaw, gritting her teeth. Fuck, that was going to be sore. “I’ve already told you. I’m not telling you where they are. No matter what.”

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