Chapter Four: Over My Dead Body

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The brunette barely glanced up, picking at the corner of her lip as she stared down at the desk. “Hmm?”

Violet rolled her eyes, walking over and gently grabbing at Clementine’s hand. “Hey,” This time, Clementine’s eyes met her own, a small smile accompanying them. “Everyone’s downstairs. Omar has the fire going. We’re just gonna talk for once,”

Clementine nodded softly, moving her hand softly to intertwine it in Violet’s. “Hypothetically,” She started, a soft grin washing over her face. “If I were to join you...Would there be blankets involved?”

“If you want there to be, yes,” Violet grinned, Clementine pursing her lips.

“Tempting. I’m not sure the company would be the best though,” She teased.

“Hey!” Violet scoffed, Clementine giggling and cupping her cheek.

“Relax. I’m kidding...Yes, I’ll come cuddle you by the fire,” She answered, leaning up and lightly kissing the blonde on the forehead, before making her way to the door with their hands intertwined.

“It’s gonna be warm,”

“I hope so,”

Clementine jerked awake, mouth agape and eyes closed. She could hear a muffled laugh, as well as water dripping onto the floor. Her clothes were soaked, water dripping from her forehead onto her cheeks. Her hands moved to wipe the water from her eyes, only to struggle as they remained behind her back. What in the hell?

“Rise and shine, kid.”

Oh. Right.

Clementine blinked a bit, opening her eyes and taking time to look at her surroundings. It was dark, that was for sure. She could see into what she assumed was a hallway, one or two figures blocking her eyesight and preventing her from fully scoping out the wall ahead.

Next, her eyes traveled to her left and right. They were identical. Blank. Dark. Dirty.

She strained to see behind her, only catching a brief glance of yet another dark and dirty wall, before a hand roughly gripped her by the cheek, forcing her eyes forwards.

“Cozy, huh? Sorry for the ice water. Not much of a warm welcome, now is it?”

Clementine glanced to the man who had gripped her by the face, watching as he backed off a bit, grinning at her. As her eyes adjusted to the room, she could only make out very obvious details. Caramel skin. Dark brown, slicked back hair. Slight bit of facial hair, turning a little grey in some patches. Her first thought was Aasim, but that was quickly shut down by the difference in clothes and change of voice pitch.

This voice was different. Smooth, but scratchy. How he managed to sound like campfire smoke smelled, she had no idea. Now that her eyes had adjusted, she could see him better. Light stubble. Hair slicked back to behind his ears. Brown, taunting eyes, with a face of contemptment. Thick eyebrows, head the shape of an upside down triangle. Slim cheeks, high cheekbones.

“Anybody home?” He joked, tilting his head a bit and narrowing his eyes. She met his gaze, narrowing her own and receiving a smirk. “Good. I need to get a few words in before you decide to stop listening to every word out of my mouth,”

“I’ll listen if you untie my hands,” She bargained, getting a small laugh in response.

“Jeesh. Maybe try lowering your tone? I’m not your father, getting sassy with me won’t get you anywhere,” The man shook his head, sitting down in a chair across from her. It creaked as he leaned forwards, leaning his elbows onto his knees and staring at her.

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