Chapter Fifteen: Decisions

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“You’re not listening to me!”     

“That’s because you’re repeating yourself.”

“I wouldn’t have to repeat myself if you would just-- listen to me, Emmanuel!”

The dark haired man pivoted on his heel, turning around with narrowed eyes. “What? What is it, then?”

Barry sighed, shoulders slumping. “You need to call off the board torture. You can’t keep her on there-” “-why not?” “Because she’s a human being! A kid no less!” Barry half screamed, exasperated. “Did you even read further than five pages?!”

“I didn’t have to.”

“No, you really- you really did!” Barry followed the other man, raking his angry eyes over the man’s back. “Eleven days! Eleven days is the longest anyone has survived without sleep; and that’s if you don’t want long lasting psychological effects or-- fuck, death?!” No response. “Did you read what happened to those that were in those chinese torture experiments?! Five fucking days before the water drove them fucking crazy! Add that up with the lack of sleep- She’s going to lose herself, Emmanuel. Mentally.”


Barry reached out, grabbing the man’s shoulder. “I can’t let you-’’ His words were cut off as Emmanuel turned around, brushing off the boy’s hand and wrapping his own around the boy’s neck.

“Last time I checked, you didn’t make the decisions!” Emmanuel barked, watching as the man’s pale face grew discolored. “You aren’t in charge here, Barry! You don’t get to decide what I do. Got it?”

Barry did his best to shake his head, skull barely moving as he struggled against the man’s grip. Not more than a second later, Emmanuel let go of his throat, letting the air flood back into his lungs. His knees buckled under him, hands raising to his throat as he wheezed, staring after the man’s retreating figure. 


Minerva stared at Michael, taking a deep breath before approaching the burly man. 

“Any chance you’ll let me in?”

“Nope. I’m staying right here. You can stand with me if you’d like.”

Minerva tilted her head at the man. “What am I gonna do? Sneak her out?” The man merely shrugged. “You can not be serious…”

“Look. I’m just trying to stay out of trouble with the boss, okay?”

“Can you at least… Go down the hallway or something?” The man furrowed his eyebrows. Minerva sighed. “I’ll give you my portion of meat when the hunting group gets back.” The man stared at minerva for a moment, before walking ten paces to the right; eyes never leaving her position.

After giving him a brief sarcastic wave, Minerva turned towards the cell like bars over the door. “Clementine?”


A small smile ghosted her face. “Hey.”

A shaky breath left the other girls lips. “What time is it?”

Minerva’s eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

Clementine huffed. “I’ve been in this room so long I don’t know if it’s morning, or night… Or if hell is raining down-” “-It’s night. About midnight.” Minerva answered, leaning her forehead against the cell bars. 

She watched as Clementine closed her eyes, her chin faltering slightly as she took a deep breath through her nose. “How’s the sky looking?”

“It’s snowing like hell. Can’t see the sky.” 

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