Chapter Six: Bathrooms

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“Minerva, c’mon,”


“Emmanuel? Fucking, hello?!”

Minnie grit her jaw, turning around with her ear to the door. “What the hell do you want?”

Clementine huffed, fighting to keep her eyes open. It was her third day without food from them. To say it had made her feel weak would be an understatement. “As much as I love this chair, which really, I do,“ She breathed, pulling at her wrists and fighting the urge to fall asleep. “I'm going to piss myself.”

Minnie turned around, rolling her eyes, and once more facing ahead of her. “Not my problem.”

“I've been holding it for two days. Do you not have a bucket? Or something??”

Minnie shrugged, despite knowing Clementine couldn't see it. “Not for you we don't.”

Clementine sighed, leaning forwards weakly. “Please…?”


“Minnie, cmon,” No response. “Fine,” She grumbled, sitting up straight. This was going to suck. “I'll just piss myself then.”

Minerva glanced at the door, ready to call her bluff, only to widen her eyes at a deep breath. “W-hey! Wait. Don't, don't actually,”

Clementine sighed. Thank god.

The door was pushed open, Minerva glancing around the room with crossbow in hand. “You better not pull anything.”

Clementine raised an eyebrow. “You caught me. I was going to take you to the bathroom, and bite out your throat,” Her features softened at the very cautious look she received. “Im kidding.”

Minnie shook her head, glaring harder. She moved behind the chair, momentarily setting down her crossbow, before bringing her fingers up to untie the rope. Her eyes softened a bit.

The skin was bloody, torn from the obvious struggle the brunette had put up. There were marks going all the way up to her nearly her elbow, indicating she had tried more than a few things to be free of them.

“Are you going to untie me or do I seriously have to piss myself…?”

“Shut it.” She growled, undoing the rope and using one hand to grab her wrist, the other grabbing her crossbow. She shoved her hand up, earning a groan of pain from the girl, before letting go and aiming at her. “Try anything and this goes through your chest.”

Clementine rolled her eyes, shakily standing to her feet. Things were already spinning. “You wouldn't. You need me to find the other kids,” She joked, stumbling forwards and towards the door.

Minerva made sure to keep her distance, eyes narrowed into a glare. She was struggling to even walk. After three days without food, anyone would be. She would have to bring that up with Emmanuel later. “Left here, down the stairs.”

Clementine briefly glanced over her shoulder, sighing as she looked outside. She momentarily caught sight of a walker out the window, only for a shot to ring out as the body fell. She felt something poke her in the back, wincing as she was partially shoved forwards.

“Hurry the hell up,”

Clementine grit her teeth, turning to her left and grabbing onto the railing. This was definitely a boat. She slumped down the stairs, stumbling and almost losing her footing once or twice.

“Take a right at the end of the stairs. Straight ahead.”

Clementine turned to her right, glancing to what appeared to be a boiler on her left, before being shoved forwards yet again. “You don't need to shove me. I'll get there eventually.”

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