Chapter Ten: As Good As Dead

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Clementine grinned softly, savoring the quiet air around her. The hair brushing at her hands. Cold air nipping at her bare skin. Violet’s eyes. God, did she love her eyes.    

Violet only furrowed her eyebrows in concern. “What?”

“What’d’you mean?”

“You’re smiling. Why?”

Clementine couldn’t help but chuckle. “Am I not allowed to smile?” When she watched Violet’s face fall, she frowned and leaned forwards, kissing her on the forehead. “I’m smiling because I was thinking about you.”

“That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good…” 

With a roll of her eyes, Clementine grabbed Violet’s hand and laced it with her own. “It’s good; I promise.” When a look of comfort spread over the girls face, Clementine grinned again. 

“This is… nice, y’know. Being able to take time to ourselves,”

Violet hmphed, rolling and clinging to the girls chest. Her eyes closed, a sigh escaping her lips. “It’s very nice.”

Clementine’s grin widened. “You just like it cause we can-” “-n-ah, stop right there,” Violet interrupted, putting her hand up to cover the girls mouth. She could feel her smile on her fingers. 

The two laid in the quiet for a while, Clementine watching the blonde almost fall back asleep before reaching up and brushing a piece of hair out of her face. “We should get going…” She whispered, feeling the girl nuzzle further into her skin.

“Can’t we just stay just… a little bit longer? We never get to cuddle like this at the cabin…”

Clementine brought her hand up, cupping her cheek. When she saw Violet’s tired eyes flicker open, she let out a soft sigh. “A little longer.”

“I’ll probably end up coming and getting you for dinner.” Minerva sighed, opening the cell-like door to Clementine’s room and gesturing for her to go in. “Just don’t do anything stupid before then?”

“There goes my plans; I thought I might blow up the ship in my freetime,” Clementine joked, walking in and wrapping her arms around herself. 

“Just stay out of trouble. Please.” With that said, Minerva turned and left, not noticing Clementine’s mouth fall slightly. The brunette waited for the girl to go all the way down the hall and turn before approaching the cell door. 

Not only had she forgotten to tie her back up, but she had forgotten to lock the door. 

“Vi, cmon, it’s been an hour,” Clementine grinned, watching the blonde grumble and roll over. 

“Five more minutes,”

Shaking her head and leaning down to kiss her temple, Clementine pushed her hair behind her ear again. “We’re gonna be late getting back. I don’t wanna worry them…”

“They’re gonna be fine.”

“Vi, cmon,”

Grinning when Violet lifted her head, revealing very messy hair and tired eyes, Clementine raised her eyes in attempts to bite back said grin. “You may wanna put on a shirt,”

“Where’d you throw it?”

“I don’t know! I wasn’t exactly focused on that,”

“I swear to god if I can’t find it i'm gonna kick your ass,”

“You seemed to have no problem with me throwing it last night when-” At a glare from her girlfriend, Clementine snickered and glanced around with her own shirt on. Turning towards the window of the office they were staying in, she glanced behind the desk and grinned in victory. 

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